DevExtreme React - Events

This section explains how to read events in DevExtreme components.

Event Objects

DevExtreme components define types that supply event argument data. Naming convention is the following: the argument type of the contentReady event handler is ContentReadyEvent.

Event objects are unions created from basic event types. This improves the readability of event definitions:

export type AppointmentTooltipShowingEvent = Cancelable & EventInfo<dxScheduler> & {
    readonly targetElement: DxElement;
    readonly appointments: AppointmentTooltipShowingAppointmentInfo[];

export type CellContextMenuEvent = NativeEventInfo<dxScheduler, MouseEvent | PointerEvent | TouchEvent> & {
    readonly cellData: any;
    readonly cellElement: DxElement;

The example above reads as follows:

AppointmentTooltipShowing is a synthetic event which can be cancelled. The event object contains common synthetic event fields and 2 extra fields: targetElement and appointments.

CellContextMenu is a common native event which cannot be cancelled. The event object contains common native event fields and 2 extra fields: cellData and cellElement. Underlying native event may be a MouseEvent, PointerEvent, or TouchEvent.

Writable Fields

Object fields can be prefixed with readonly. Fields without this modifier are writable and can affect the component. For example, the cancel field in cancelable events is writable.

Event Object Parts

Most event arguments have a core part, either EventInfo or NativeEventInfo. These types may include conditional elements for integration with third-party libraries.

Event part Description
EventInfo EventInfo is used for synthetic events.
NativeEventInfo NativeEventInfo is used for browser events.
ItemInfo Events involving collection items include an ItemInfo part.
ChangedOptionInfo OptionChanged event objects include ChangedOptionInfo.
InitializedEventInfo Events involving initialization use InitializedEventInfo.
Cancelable If an event argument type includes Cancelable, the event can be canceled by setting the cancel property.