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Backend API
<div id="long-title">
<h3>Country Area, Population, and GDP Structure</h3>
<DxColumn data-field="Country"/>
<DxColumn data-field="Area"/>
<DxColumn caption="Population">
<DxColumn caption="Nominal GDP">
caption="Total, mln $"
<DxColumn caption="By Sector">
<script setup lang="ts">
import DxDataGrid, { DxColumn, DxExport, DxDataGridTypes } from 'devextreme-vue/data-grid';
import { jsPDF } from 'jspdf';
import { exportDataGrid } from 'devextreme/pdf_exporter';
import { countries } from './data.ts';
const gdpFormat = {
type: 'percent',
precision: 1,
const onExporting = (e: DxDataGridTypes.ExportingEvent) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line new-cap
const doc = new jsPDF();
const lastPoint = { x: 0, y: 0 };
jsPDFDocument: doc,
component: e.component,
topLeft: { x: 1, y: 15 },
columnWidths: [30, 20, 30, 15, 22, 22, 20, 20],
customDrawCell({ rect }) {
if (lastPoint.x < rect.x + rect.w) {
lastPoint.x = rect.x + rect.w;
if (lastPoint.y < rect.y + rect.h) {
lastPoint.y = rect.y + rect.h;
}).then(() => {
// header
const header = 'Country Area, Population, and GDP Structure';
const pageWidth = doc.internal.pageSize.getWidth();
const headerWidth = doc.getTextDimensions(header).w;
doc.text(header, (pageWidth - headerWidth) / 2, 20);
// footer
const footer = 'www.wikipedia.org';
const footerWidth = doc.getTextDimensions(footer).w;
doc.text(footer, (lastPoint.x - footerWidth), lastPoint.y + 5);
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'Segoe UI',
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margin-bottom: 20px;
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export type Country = {
ID: number;
Country: string;
Area: number;
Population_Urban: number;
Population_Rural: number;
Population_Total: number;
GDP_Agriculture: number;
GDP_Industry: number;
GDP_Services: number;
GDP_Total: number;
export const countries: Country[] = [{
ID: 1,
Country: 'Brazil',
Area: 8515767,
Population_Urban: 0.85,
Population_Rural: 0.15,
Population_Total: 205809000,
GDP_Agriculture: 0.054,
GDP_Industry: 0.274,
GDP_Services: 0.672,
GDP_Total: 2353025,
}, {
ID: 2,
Country: 'China',
Area: 9388211,
Population_Urban: 0.54,
Population_Rural: 0.46,
Population_Total: 1375530000,
GDP_Agriculture: 0.091,
GDP_Industry: 0.426,
GDP_Services: 0.483,
GDP_Total: 10380380,
}, {
ID: 3,
Country: 'France',
Area: 675417,
Population_Urban: 0.79,
Population_Rural: 0.21,
Population_Total: 64529000,
GDP_Agriculture: 0.019,
GDP_Industry: 0.183,
GDP_Services: 0.798,
GDP_Total: 2846889,
}, {
ID: 4,
Country: 'Germany',
Area: 357021,
Population_Urban: 0.75,
Population_Rural: 0.25,
Population_Total: 81459000,
GDP_Agriculture: 0.008,
GDP_Industry: 0.281,
GDP_Services: 0.711,
GDP_Total: 3859547,
}, {
ID: 5,
Country: 'India',
Area: 3287590,
Population_Urban: 0.32,
Population_Rural: 0.68,
Population_Total: 1286260000,
GDP_Agriculture: 0.174,
GDP_Industry: 0.258,
GDP_Services: 0.569,
GDP_Total: 2047811,
}, {
ID: 6,
Country: 'Italy',
Area: 301230,
Population_Urban: 0.69,
Population_Rural: 0.31,
Population_Total: 60676361,
GDP_Agriculture: 0.02,
GDP_Industry: 0.242,
GDP_Services: 0.738,
GDP_Total: 2147952,
}, {
ID: 7,
Country: 'Japan',
Area: 377835,
Population_Urban: 0.93,
Population_Rural: 0.07,
Population_Total: 126920000,
GDP_Agriculture: 0.012,
GDP_Industry: 0.275,
GDP_Services: 0.714,
GDP_Total: 4616335,
}, {
ID: 8,
Country: 'Russia',
Area: 17098242,
Population_Urban: 0.74,
Population_Rural: 0.26,
Population_Total: 146544710,
GDP_Agriculture: 0.039,
GDP_Industry: 0.36,
GDP_Services: 0.601,
GDP_Total: 1857461,
}, {
ID: 9,
Country: 'United States',
Area: 9147420,
Population_Urban: 0.81,
Population_Rural: 0.19,
Population_Total: 323097000,
GDP_Agriculture: 0.0112,
GDP_Industry: 0.191,
GDP_Services: 0.797,
GDP_Total: 17418925,
}, {
ID: 10,
Country: 'United Kingdom',
Area: 244820,
Population_Urban: 0.82,
Population_Rural: 0.18,
Population_Total: 65097000,
GDP_Agriculture: 0.007,
GDP_Industry: 0.21,
GDP_Services: 0.783,
GDP_Total: 2945146,
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
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Follow the steps below to configure a header/footer:
Call the exportDataGrid(options) method.
Use the following API to specify header/footer layout settings:
For a header
Use the topLeft object to specify a start position for DataGrid export. This position should be below the header. -
For a footer
Use the customDrawCell function to calculate the coordinates of the last right cell of the DataGrid.
Execute a promise after the exportDataGrid(options) method. In this promise, specify position and appearance of the header/footer.