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<div class="dx-field">
<div class="dx-field-label">DropDownBox with embedded TreeView</div>
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:input-attr="{ 'aria-label': 'Owner' }"
placeholder="Select a value..."
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<div class="dx-field">
<div class="dx-field-label">DropDownBox with embedded DataGrid</div>
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:input-attr="{ 'aria-label': 'Owner' }"
placeholder="Select a value..."
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DxDataGrid, DxSelection, DxPaging, DxFilterRow, DxScrolling,
} from 'devextreme-vue/data-grid';
import CustomStore from 'devextreme/data/custom_store';
import 'whatwg-fetch';
const treeBoxValue = ref('1_1');
const isGridBoxOpened = ref(false);
const isTreeBoxOpened = ref(false);
const gridBoxValue = ref([3]);
const gridDataSource = makeAsyncDataSource('customers.json');
const treeDataSource = makeAsyncDataSource('treeProducts.json');
const gridColumns = ['CompanyName', 'City', 'Phone'];
let treeView = null;
function treeViewContentReady({ component }) {
treeView = component;
function makeAsyncDataSource(jsonFile) {
return new CustomStore({
loadMode: 'raw',
key: 'ID',
load() {
return fetch(`../../../../data/${jsonFile}`)
.then((response) => response.json());
function syncTreeViewSelection() {
if (treeBoxValue.value) {
function treeViewItemSelectionChanged(e) {
treeBoxValue.value = e.component.getSelectedNodeKeys();
function gridBoxDisplayExpr(item) {
return item && `${item.CompanyName} <${item.Phone}>`;
function onTreeItemClick() {
isTreeBoxOpened.value = false;
function onGridSelectionChanged() {
isGridBoxOpened.value = false;
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const products = [{
id: '1',
text: 'Stores',
expanded: true,
items: [{
id: '1_1',
text: 'Super Mart of the West',
expanded: true,
items: [{
id: '1_1_1',
text: 'Video Players',
items: [{
id: '1_1_1_1',
text: 'HD Video Player',
price: 220,
image: '../../../../images/products/1.png',
}, {
id: '1_1_1_2',
text: 'SuperHD Video Player',
image: '../../../../images/products/2.png',
price: 270,
}, {
id: '1_1_2',
text: 'Televisions',
expanded: true,
items: [{
id: '1_1_2_1',
text: 'SuperLCD 42',
image: '../../../../images/products/7.png',
price: 1200,
}, {
id: '1_1_2_2',
text: 'SuperLED 42',
image: '../../../../images/products/5.png',
price: 1450,
}, {
id: '1_1_2_3',
text: 'SuperLED 50',
image: '../../../../images/products/4.png',
price: 1600,
}, {
id: '1_1_2_4',
text: 'SuperLCD 55',
image: '../../../../images/products/6.png',
price: 1350,
}, {
id: '1_1_2_5',
text: 'SuperLCD 70',
image: '../../../../images/products/9.png',
price: 4000,
}, {
id: '1_1_3',
text: 'Monitors',
expanded: true,
items: [{
id: '1_1_3_1',
text: '19"',
expanded: true,
items: [{
id: '1_1_3_1_1',
text: 'DesktopLCD 19',
image: '../../../../images/products/10.png',
price: 160,
}, {
id: '1_1_3_2',
text: '21"',
items: [{
id: '1_1_3_2_1',
text: 'DesktopLCD 21',
image: '../../../../images/products/12.png',
price: 170,
}, {
id: '1_1_3_2_2',
text: 'DesktopLED 21',
image: '../../../../images/products/13.png',
price: 175,
}, {
id: '1_1_4',
text: 'Projectors',
items: [{
id: '1_1_4_1',
text: 'Projector Plus',
image: '../../../../images/products/14.png',
price: 550,
}, {
id: '1_1_4_2',
text: 'Projector PlusHD',
image: '../../../../images/products/15.png',
price: 750,
}, {
id: '1_2',
text: 'Braeburn',
items: [{
id: '1_2_1',
text: 'Video Players',
items: [{
id: '1_2_1_1',
text: 'HD Video Player',
image: '../../../../images/products/1.png',
price: 240,
}, {
id: '1_2_1_2',
text: 'SuperHD Video Player',
image: '../../../../images/products/2.png',
price: 300,
}, {
id: '1_2_2',
text: 'Televisions',
items: [{
id: '1_2_2_1',
text: 'SuperPlasma 50',
image: '../../../../images/products/3.png',
price: 1800,
}, {
id: '1_2_2_2',
text: 'SuperPlasma 65',
image: '../../../../images/products/8.png',
price: 3500,
}, {
id: '1_2_3',
text: 'Monitors',
items: [{
id: '1_2_3_1',
text: '19"',
items: [{
id: '1_2_3_1_1',
text: 'DesktopLCD 19',
image: '../../../../images/products/10.png',
price: 170,
}, {
id: '1_2_3_2',
text: '21"',
items: [{
id: '1_2_3_2_1',
text: 'DesktopLCD 21',
image: '../../../../images/products/12.png',
price: 180,
}, {
id: '1_2_3_2_2',
text: 'DesktopLED 21',
image: '../../../../images/products/13.png',
price: 190,
}, {
id: '1_3',
text: 'E-Mart',
items: [{
id: '1_3_1',
text: 'Video Players',
items: [{
id: '1_3_1_1',
text: 'HD Video Player',
image: '../../../../images/products/1.png',
price: 220,
}, {
id: '1_3_1_2',
text: 'SuperHD Video Player',
image: '../../../../images/products/2.png',
price: 275,
}, {
id: '1_3_3',
text: 'Monitors',
items: [{
id: '1_3_3_1',
text: '19"',
items: [{
id: '1_3_3_1_1',
text: 'DesktopLCD 19',
image: '../../../../images/products/10.png',
price: 165,
}, {
id: '1_3_3_2',
text: '21"',
items: [{
id: '1_3_3_2_1',
text: 'DesktopLCD 21',
image: '../../../../images/products/12.png',
price: 175,
}, {
id: '1_4',
text: 'Walters',
items: [{
id: '1_4_1',
text: 'Video Players',
items: [{
id: '1_4_1_1',
text: 'HD Video Player',
image: '../../../../images/products/1.png',
price: 210,
}, {
id: '1_4_1_2',
text: 'SuperHD Video Player',
image: '../../../../images/products/2.png',
price: 250,
}, {
id: '1_4_2',
text: 'Televisions',
items: [{
id: '1_4_2_1',
text: 'SuperLCD 42',
image: '../../../../images/products/7.png',
price: 1100,
}, {
id: '1_4_2_2',
text: 'SuperLED 42',
image: '../../../../images/products/5.png',
price: 1400,
}, {
id: '1_4_2_3',
text: 'SuperLED 50',
image: '../../../../images/products/4.png',
price: 1500,
}, {
id: '1_4_2_4',
text: 'SuperLCD 55',
image: '../../../../images/products/6.png',
price: 1300,
}, {
id: '1_4_2_5',
text: 'SuperLCD 70',
image: '../../../../images/products/9.png',
price: 4000,
}, {
id: '1_4_2_6',
text: 'SuperPlasma 50',
image: '../../../../images/products/3.png',
price: 1700,
}, {
id: '1_4_3',
text: 'Monitors',
items: [{
id: '1_4_3_1',
text: '19"',
items: [{
id: '1_4_3_1_1',
text: 'DesktopLCD 19',
image: '../../../../images/products/10.png',
price: 160,
}, {
id: '1_4_3_2',
text: '21"',
items: [{
id: '1_4_3_2_1',
text: 'DesktopLCD 21',
image: '../../../../images/products/12.png',
price: 170,
}, {
id: '1_4_3_2_2',
text: 'DesktopLED 21',
image: '../../../../images/products/13.png',
price: 180,
}, {
id: '1_4_4',
text: 'Projectors',
items: [{
id: '1_4_4_1',
text: 'Projector Plus',
image: '../../../../images/products/14.png',
price: 550,
}, {
id: '1_4_4_2',
text: 'Projector PlusHD',
image: '../../../../images/products/15.png',
price: 750,
export default {
getProducts() {
return products;
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
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<div id="app"> </div>
"ID": 1,
"CompanyName": "Premier Buy",
"Address": "7601 Penn Avenue South",
"City": "Richfield",
"State": "Minnesota",
"Zipcode": 55423,
"Phone": "(612) 291-1000",
"Fax": "(612) 291-2001",
"Website": "http://www.nowebsitepremierbuy.dx"
}, {
"ID": 2,
"CompanyName": "ElectrixMax",
"Address": "263 Shuman Blvd",
"City": "Naperville",
"State": "Illinois",
"Zipcode": 60563,
"Phone": "(630) 438-7800",
"Fax": "(630) 438-7801",
"Website": "http://www.nowebsiteelectrixmax.dx"
}, {
"ID": 3,
"CompanyName": "Video Emporium",
"Address": "1201 Elm Street",
"City": "Dallas",
"State": "Texas",
"Zipcode": 75270,
"Phone": "(214) 854-3000",
"Fax": "(214) 854-3001",
"Website": "http://www.nowebsitevideoemporium.dx"
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"ID": 4,
"CompanyName": "Screen Shop",
"Address": "1000 Lowes Blvd",
"City": "Mooresville",
"State": "North Carolina",
"Zipcode": 28117,
"Phone": "(800) 445-6937",
"Fax": "(800) 445-6938",
"Website": "http://www.nowebsitescreenshop.dx"
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"ID": 5,
"CompanyName": "Braeburn",
"Address": "1 Infinite Loop",
"City": "Cupertino",
"State": "California",
"Zipcode": 95014,
"Phone": "(408) 996-1010",
"Fax": "(408) 996-1012",
"Website": "http://www.nowebsitebraeburn.dx"
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"ID": 6,
"CompanyName": "PriceCo",
"Address": "30 Hunter Lane",
"City": "Camp Hill",
"State": "Pennsylvania",
"Zipcode": 17011,
"Phone": "(717) 761-2633",
"Fax": "(717) 761-2334",
"Website": "http://www.nowebsitepriceco.dx"
}, {
"ID": 7,
"CompanyName": "Ultimate Gadget",
"Address": "1557 Watson Blvd",
"City": "Warner Robbins",
"State": "Georgia",
"Zipcode": 31093,
"Phone": "(995) 623-6785",
"Fax": "(995) 623-6786",
"Website": "http://www.nowebsiteultimategadget.dx"
}, {
"ID": 8,
"CompanyName": "EZ Stop",
"Address": "618 Michillinda Ave.",
"City": "Arcadia",
"State": "California",
"Zipcode": 91007,
"Phone": "(626) 265-8632",
"Fax": "(626) 265-8633",
"Website": "http://www.nowebsiteezstop.dx"
}, {
"ID": 9,
"CompanyName": "Clicker",
"Address": "1100 W. Artesia Blvd.",
"City": "Compton",
"State": "California",
"Zipcode": 90220,
"Phone": "(310) 884-9000",
"Fax": "(310) 884-9001",
"Website": "http://www.nowebsiteclicker.dx"
}, {
"ID": 10,
"CompanyName": "Store of America",
"Address": "2401 Utah Ave. South",
"City": "Seattle",
"State": "Washington",
"Zipcode": 98134,
"Phone": "(206) 447-1575",
"Fax": "(206) 447-1576",
"Website": "http://www.nowebsiteamerica.dx"
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"ID": 11,
"CompanyName": "Zone Toys",
"Address": "1945 S Cienega Boulevard",
"City": "Los Angeles",
"State": "California",
"Zipcode": 90034,
"Phone": "(310) 237-5642",
"Fax": "(310) 237-5643",
"Website": "http://www.nowebsitezonetoys.dx"
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"ID": 12,
"CompanyName": "ACME",
"Address": "2525 E El Segundo Blvd",
"City": "El Segundo",
"State": "California",
"Zipcode": 90245,
"Phone": "(310) 536-0611",
"Fax": "(310) 536-0612",
"Website": "http://www.nowebsiteacme.dx"
"ID": 1,
"name": "Stores",
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"name": "Super Mart of the West",
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"ID": "1_1_1",
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"ID": "1_1_1_1",
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"name": "HD Video Player",
"price": 220
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"price": 270
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"price": 1450
"ID": "1_1_2_3",
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"price": 1600
"ID": "1_1_2_4",
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"price": 1750
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"ID": "1_1_3_1_1",
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"ID": "1_1_4_2",
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