DevExtreme Vue - Customize Item Appearance
For a minor customization of ContextMenu items, you can use the default item template. This template defines the appearance of an item depending on whether specific fields are present or absent from the item's data object. For example, the following code generates three context menu items. Between the first and the second items lies a separator dividing one group of items from another. All the items are supplied with icons.
var contextMenuItems = [ { text: "Zoom In", icon: "plus" }, { text: "Share", icon: "message", beginGroup: true }, { text: "Download", icon: "download" } ]; $(function () { $("#contextMenuContainer").dxContextMenu({ items: contextMenuItems, target: "#someElement", visible: true }); });
<dx-context-menu [items]="contextMenuItems" target="#someElement" [visible]="true"> </dx-context-menu>
import { DxContextMenuModule } from 'devextreme-angular'; // ... export class AppComponent { contextMenuItems = [ { text: "Zoom In", icon: "plus" }, { text: "Share", icon: "message" }, { text: "Download", icon: "download" } ]; } @NgModule({ imports: [ // ... DxContextMenuModule ], // ... })
Using the default item template is the easiest way to customize an item, but it lacks flexibility. Instead, you can define a custom template. For Angular, AngularJS and Knockout apps, DevExtreme provides a markup component called dxTemplate. The following code gives a simple example of how you can use dxTemplate to customize context menu items.
<dx-context-menu [items]="contextMenuItems" target="#someElement" itemTemplate="item" [visible]="true"> <div *dxTemplate="let data of 'item'; let i = index"> <span class="dx-icon-{{data.icon}}"></span> <i style="margin-left:5px">{{data.text}}</i><span> [{{i + 1}}]</span> </div> </dx-context-menu>
import { DxContextMenuModule } from 'devextreme-angular'; // ... export class AppComponent { contextMenuItems = [ { text: "Zoom In", icon: "plus" }, { text: "Share", icon: "message" }, { text: "Download", icon: "download" } ]; } @NgModule({ imports: [ // ... DxContextMenuModule ], // ... })
angular.module('DemoApp', ['dx']) .controller('DemoController', function DemoController($scope) { $scope.contextMenuItems = [ { text: "Zoom In", icon: "plus" }, { text: "Share", icon: "message" }, { text: "Download", icon: "download" } ]; });
<div ng-controller="DemoController"> <div dx-context-menu="{ items: contextMenuItems, itemTemplate: 'item', target: '#someElement', visible: true }" dx-item-alias="item"> <div data-options="dxTemplate: { name: 'item' }"> <span class="dx-icon-{{item.icon}}"></span> <i style="margin-left:5px">{{item.text}}</i><span> [{{$index + 1}}]</span> </div> </div> </div>
directive specifies the variable that is used to access the item object.Knockout
var viewModel = { contextMenuItems: [ { text: "Zoom In", icon: "plus" }, { text: "Share", icon: "message" }, { text: "Download", icon: "download" } ] }; ko.applyBindings(viewModel);
<div data-bind="dxContextMenu: { items: contextMenuItems, itemTemplate: 'item', target: '#someElement', visible: true }"> <div data-options="dxTemplate: { name: 'item' }"> <span data-bind="css: 'dx-icon-' + icon"></span> <i style="margin-left:5px" data-bind="text: text"></i> [<span data-bind="text: $index"></span>] </div> </div>
If you use jQuery alone, combine the HTML markup for context menu items manually with jQuery DOM manipulation methods. To apply this markup, use the itemTemplate callback function as shown in the following code.
var contextMenuItems = [ { text: "Zoom In", icon: "plus" }, { text: "Share", icon: "message" }, { text: "Download", icon: "download" } ]; $(function () { $("#contextMenuContainer").dxContextMenu({ items: contextMenuItems, visible: true, itemTemplate: function (itemData, itemIndex, itemElement) { var iconElement = $("<span></span>"); iconElement.addClass("dx-icon-" + itemData.icon); itemElement.append(iconElement); itemElement.append("<i style='margin-left:5px'>" + itemData.text + "</i>" + " [" + itemIndex + "]"); }, target: '#someElement' }); });
You can also customize an individual context menu item. For this purpose, declare a template for this item as a script and pass its id
to the template field of the item's data object.
<script id="individualTemplate" type="text/html"> <!-- ... --> </script>
var contextMenuItems = [ { text: "Zoom In" }, { text: "Zoom Out" }, { text: "Download", template: $("#individualTemplate") }, // ... ];
In addition, you can use a 3rd-party template engine to customize widget appearance. For more information, see the 3rd-Party Template Engines article.
See Also
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