Vue Common - Utils - ui - themes
An object that serves as a namespace for the methods that work with DevExtreme CSS Themes.
The theme name passed as a parameter should be the value of the data-theme attribute used within the rel="dx-theme" links to the theme. For instance, if you have links to two of your themes...
- <link rel="dx-theme" data-theme="generic.mytheme-dark" href="css/mytheme-dark.css" data-active="true">
- <link rel="dx-theme" data-theme="generic.mytheme-light" href="css/mytheme-light.css" data-active="false">
... you can switch between them as shown in the code below. Note that you should specify a callback function that repaints all widgets after the theme has been loaded using the ready(callback) method.
Refer to the Predefined Themes article for details on the themes that are supplied with DevExtreme.
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