DevExtreme Vue - Change the Text
To change the text displayed by the LoadPanel, use the message option.
- <template>
- <div>
- <DxLoadPanel
- :close-on-outside-click="true"
- :visible.sync="isLoadPanelVisible"
- message="Please, wait..."
- />
- <DxButton
- text="Show the Load Panel"
- @click="handleClick"
- />
- </div>
- </template>
- <script>
- import 'devextreme/dist/css/dx.common.css';
- import 'devextreme/dist/css/dx.light.css';
- import { DxLoadPanel } from 'devextreme-vue/load-panel';
- import { DxButton } from 'devextreme-vue/button';
- export default {
- components: {
- DxLoadPanel,
- DxButton
- },
- data() {
- return {
- isLoadPanelVisible: false
- }
- },
- methods: {
- handleClick() {
- this.isLoadPanelVisible = true;
- }
- }
- }
- </script>
See Also
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