Elegant, Intuitive, and Information-Rich

Your Next Great Vue App Starts Here

DevExtreme UI Templates were developed to address a variety of usage scenarios and business requirements. Templates are available across 3 main categories: CRM/ERP, Project/Task Management, and Analytics/BI Dashboards.

Built for Today - Ready for Tomorrow

Adaptive/Responsive UI


All DevExtreme UI Templates are built atop responsive Vue UI component libraries and follow adaptivity-related best practices. DevExtreme Template-based apps are cross-platform and ready for the mobile world.

Adaptivity - Desktop
Adaptivity - Tablet
Adaptivity - Mobile

App-Wide Theme Support

Create high-impact user experiences with our predefined theme collection.
If you require additional styling options, you can generate your own custom theme with the DevExtreme ThemeBuilder.

Material Blue Light

A universal theme that replicates the appearance of many modern web apps. Material Blue Light helps illustrate what’s possible when using DevExtreme Vue components.

Material Blue Dark

As you know, Dark mode is a must have for modern web apps. Like Material Blue Light, our Dark theme was developed to address a broad range of style-related business requirements.
Advanced Theming - Light
Advanced Theming - Dark

Universal Data Binding

As you’ll discover once you begin using DevExtreme, it’s easy to bind our UI Templates to a data source. Implement your own business logic on your backend and use our straightforward API to connect the backend to the UI. Change data source as needed or use mock API endpoints to test your app.

Data Binding - Vue

Easy to Start

Easy as 1-2-3

Step 1

Explore and Try Live

Explore DevExtreme UI Templates in our UI Template Gallery or in our Standalone Demo App. Review its description with complete info about the purpose, structure, and target business workflows.

Step 2

Copy/Paste Code

Inspect our source code and copy/paste portions that address your business requirements. UI Templates and associated parts are Angular components that you can reuse with minimal modification.

Step 3

Adapt and Bind Your Data

Bind your backend APIs, third-party web-services, or local data to the desired DevExtreme UI components and get ready to amaze your end-users.

To 5 Reasons to Use DevExtreme UI Templates

Accelerate/Simplify App Development

DevExtreme UI Templates accelerate/simplify the app development process and accurately address a variety of usage scenarios. With our templates, you’ll spend more time on business logic, and less time on design/layout-related issues.

Leverage Our Design Resources

We listened to thousands of DevExtreme users and analyzed a variety of user experience requirements. Our UI Templates were designed to meet and exceed modern design-related expectations.

Target Mobile/Desktop Browsers

Powered by DevExtreme UI components/libraries, our Vue UI Templates deliver a consistent user experience across supported platforms/devices. Be it a Mac, Windows, iOS or Android device, your app will remain consistent, and work as expected.

Brand Your Application UI

If you have a dedicated designer on your team and wish to apply brand-specific changes to your DevExtreme-powered app, you can adapt/modify built-in themes with our free ThemeBuilder.

Customize as Needed

DevExtreme UI Templates address common business scenarios — using simple and easy to understand code. When necessary, you can easily extend our implementation to fully address the needs of your enterprise.

Get Started Today

Say Yes to DevExtreme UI Templates and Never Start from Scratch Again