DevExtreme jQuery - ArrayStore

Extend a JavaScript array's functionality by placing it into an ArrayStore. It provides an interface for loading and editing data, and allows you to handle data-related events.

$(function() {
        dataSource: new{
            data: products,
            onLoaded: function() {
                // Event handling commands go here
        valueExpr: 'price',
        displayExpr: 'name'

Data kept in the ArrayStore can be processed in a DataSource. For example, the DataSource can sort data.

var products = [
    { name: "HD Video Player", price: 100 },
    { name: "SuperHD Video Player", price: 420 },
    { name: "SuperPlasma 50", price: 1500 },
    { name: "SuperLED 50", price: 200 }

$(function() {
        dataSource: new{
            store: products,
            sort: { getter: "name", asc: true }
        valueExpr: 'price',
        displayExpr: 'name'
Even if you have passed a JavaScript array to the dataSource option, the TagBox automatically places it into an ArrayStore wrapped into the DataSource you can get with the getDataSource() method.
See Also