DevExtreme jQuery/JS - Configure Search Parameters
The Autocomplete can provide suggestions in two different modes: 'contains' (by default) and 'startswith'. You can use the searchMode option to change the mode.
- var autocompleteData = [
- { country: "Afghanistan", capital: "Kabul" },
- { country: "Albania", capital: "Tirana" },
- // ...
- ];
- $(function() {
- $("#autocompleteContainer").dxAutocomplete({
- dataSource: autocompleteData,
- valueExpr: 'country',
- searchMode: 'startswith'
- });
- });
By default, the Autocomplete widget starts providing suggestions once an end user types the first character. To increase the number of characters that triggers suggestions, use the minSearchLength option.
- $(function() {
- $("#autocompleteContainer").dxAutocomplete({
- // ...
- minSearchLength: 3
- });
- });
You can also specify the time interval the widget should wait before providing suggestions. Assign this time interval measured in milliseconds to the searchTimeout option.
- $(function() {
- $("#autocompleteContainer").dxAutocomplete({
- // ...
- searchTimeout: 500
- });
- });
See Also
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