jQuery Common - utils - Errors and Warnings

This section lists core errors and warnings that may occur in DevExtreme applications.


Occurs when a method has no implementation.

This is an internal error. Please refer to our Support Center to solve the problem.


Occurs when a member name collision is detected.

This is an internal error. Please refer to our Support Center to solve the problem.


Occurs when you instantiate a class without using the "new" keyword.

This is an internal error. Please refer to our Support Center to solve the problem.


The NAME property of the component is not specified.

This is an internal error. Please refer to our Support Center to solve the problem.


Occurs when the device on which the current application is running is not in the list of known devices.

Accepted devices are the following: "iPhone", "iPhone5", "iPad", "iPadMini", "androidPhone", "androidTablet", "win", "winPhone", "msSurface" and "desktop".


Occurs when requesting a Url by the key that is not defined within the EndpointSelector's configuration object.

Check to make sure that the EndpointSelector key of the required URL is included into the configuration object.


Occurs when the "invalidate" method is called outside the update transaction.

It is an internal error. Please refer to our Support Center to solve the problem.


Occurs when it is impossible to create an action because the type of the passed option name is not a string.

It is an internal error. Please refer to our Support Center to solve the problem.


Occurs when a component is not initialized for this element.

It is an internal error. Please refer to our Support Center to solve the problem.


Occurs when the "from"/"to" configuration property of a slide animation is not a plain object.

The "from" and "to" properties should be objects with the following structure: from and to.


Occurs when an unknown animation type is requested.

Accepted animation types are described in the documentation.


Occurs when using an old version of the jQuery library.

Please use jQuery version 1.10.0 or greater.


Occurs when using an old version of the Knockout library.

Please use Knockout version 2.3.0 or greater.


Occurs when the 'release' method is called for an unlocked Lock object.

It is an internal error. Please refer to our Support Center to solve the problem.


Occurs when a queued task returns an unexpected result.

It is an internal error. Please refer to our Support Center to solve the problem.


Occurs when a namespace for an event is not defined.

It is an internal error. Please refer to our Support Center to solve the problem.


Occurs when a module with the Popup widget is not linked.

Include a reference to the dx.module-widgets-base.js, dx.module-widgets-web.js or dx.module-widgets-mobile.js scripts to your application.


Occurs when an unsupported template engine is set.

Acceptable template engines are listed in the description of the setTemplateEngine(name) method.


Occurs when an unknown theme is set.

Refer to the current(themeName) method description to learn which theme names are acceptable.


Occurs when the LINK[rel=dx-theme] tags go before DevExtreme scripts.

For details, refer to the Predefined Themes article.


Occurs when a name is not specified for a dxTemplate markup component.

Specify a name using the name configuration option of the dxTemplate component.


Occurs if a DevExtreme bundle is linked more than once on a single page.


Occurs when an invalid argument is passed to a method.

Check that all arguments are of an appropriate type.


Occurs when an unknown validation rule type is used.

The predefined validation rule types are listed in the Validation Rules Reference section.


Occurs when either the min or max option is not specified for the 'range' rule.

The value of the min/max option must not be null or undefined.


Occurs when the comparisonTarget option is not specified for the 'compare' rule.

The value of the comparisonTarget option must be specified so that 'compare' rule can be checked.


Occurs when an unknown or unregistered validation group is validated using the DevExtreme.validationEngine.validateGroup(group) method.

Check the valid group key is passed as the validateGroup(group) function parameter.


Occurs when a default adapter cannot be initialized for the target editor.

Check that you associate the dxValidator component with a DevExtreme editor or with a custom adapter that is set to interact with a custom editor.

See Also


Occurs in drop-down lists when the customItem field of the onCustomItemCreating function's parameter is not set.

Assign a custom item to the customItem field of the onCustomItemCreating function's parameter.


Appears when a deprecated component is detected in an application.

Use the component that is suggested instead.


Appears when a deprecated option is detected in an application.

Use the option that is suggested instead.


Appears when a deprecated method is detected in an application.

Use the method that is suggested instead.


Appears when a deprecated field is detected in an application.

Use the field that is suggested instead.


Appears when the timeout that was set to load a theme is over.

To resolve this, do the following.

  • Make sure that the CSS files with the required theme are added to the application.
  • Make sure that the CSS files have valid links in the application's main page.

For details on themes, refer to the Predefined Themes article.


Appears when a deprecated event is detected in an application.

Use the event that is suggested instead.


Appears when a recurrence rule is invalid.

Correct the rule.


Appears when the Globalize culture script is not referenced on the application page.

To resolve this, do the following.

  • Make sure that the Globalize script for the required culture is added to the application.
  • Make sure that the Globalize script has a valid link in the application main page.


Appears if an array passed to the views option of the Scheduler widget contains an invalid view name.

Correct the view name or delete it.


Occurs if the timeZone option of the Scheduler widget holds an invalid value.


Occurs if the application uses a deprecated theme.

Refer to the Predefined Themes guide for the list of current themes.


Occurs if number parsing is invoked without a defined parser.

Add the parser field to the format object or use a predefined format.


Occurs if date parsing is invoked without a defined parser.

Add the parser field to the format object or use a predefined format.


Occurs if one of the deprecated files (dx.web.de.js, dx.mobile.de.js, dx.all.de.js, etc.) is used. Use the dx.messages.xx.js file instead.


Occurs if an option is set to a deprecated value type. Set the option to the type of value suggested in the warning message.


Occurs if a function returns a value instead of assigning it to the parameter field.

In the function's declaration, replace the return statement with a command that assigns the value to the suggested field.


Occurs if a deprecated value is assigned to an option.

Replace the deprecated value with the suggested one in the configuration.