DevExtreme jQuery - Validate and Submit the Form Control

Editors nested in the Form control can be validated only if they are bound to model properties that have Data Annotation validation attributes. To bind such editors, use the DataField method. Note that you can omit specifying the editor explicitly if the TextBox with default settings satisfies your needs.

Razor C#
Razor VB
    .Items(formItems => {
            .Editor(e => e.TextBox().ReadOnly(true));

        // Uses the default TextBox

        // Uses the default TextBox   

            .Editor(e => e.DateBox());
@(Html.DevExtreme().Form() _
    .FormData(Model) _
        formItems.AddSimple() _
            .DataField("EmployeeID") _
            .Editor(Function(e) e.TextBox().ReadOnly(True))

        ' Uses the default TextBox
        formItems.AddSimple() _
            .DataField("FirstName") _

        ' Uses the default TextBox   
        formItems.AddSimple() _
            .DataField("LastName") _

        formItems.AddSimple() _
            .DataField("HireDate") _
            .Editor(Function(e) e.DateBox())
    End Sub)

A single Form editor is validated individually each time its value is changed, but if you are going to submit Form editors, they all should be validated at once. This case is illustrated by the following code. All Form editors are collected in the "employee" validation group that is validated when an end user clicks the "Validate and Submit" Button. Afterwards, if the validation is successful, the "editEmployee" HTML form with all editors is submitted.

Razor C#
Razor VB
@using (Html.BeginForm("EditEmployee", "Home", FormMethod.Post, new { id = "editEmployee" })) {

        .Items(formItems => {
                .Editor(e => e.TextBox().ReadOnly(true));



                .Editor(e => e.DateBox());
        // Gives a name to the internal validation group

    // Validates the "employee" validation group and submits the "editEmployee" HTML form
        .Text("Validate and Submit")
@Using (Html.BeginForm("EditEmployee", "Home", FormMethod.Post, New With { .id = "editEmployee" }))

    @(Html.DevExtreme().Form() _
        .FormData(Model) _
            formItems.AddSimple() _
                .DataField("EmployeeID") _
                .Editor(Function(e) e.TextBox().ReadOnly(True))

            ' Uses the default TextBox
            formItems.AddSimple() _
                .DataField("FirstName") _

            ' Uses the default TextBox   
            formItems.AddSimple() _
                .DataField("LastName") _

            formItems.AddSimple() _
                .DataField("HireDate") _
                .Editor(Function(e) e.DateBox())
        End Sub) _
        .ValidationGroup("employee") ' Gives a name to the internal validation group

    ' Validates the "employee" validation group and submits the "editEmployee" HTML form
    @(Html.DevExtreme().Button() _
        .Text("Validate and Submit") _
        .ValidationGroup("employee") _
End Using

You can find an expanded code example in the following demo:

View Demo

See Also