DevExtreme jQuery - Indicate the Loading State

While the content of the DeferRendering widget is getting ready, the widget can display a loading indicator. It is disabled by default, so assign true to the showLoadIndicator if you need to enable it.

<div data-options="dxView: { name: 'Products', title: 'Products' }">
    <div data-options="dxContent: { targetPlaceholder: 'content' }" data-bind="dxDeferRendering: {
        showLoadIndicator: true,
        renderWhen: isReady
        <!-- Widget content -->

If you want to display custom content instead of the loading indicator, use the following CSS classes.

  • dx-visible-while-pending-rendering
    All elements with this class will be displayed while the main content is getting ready.

  • dx-invisible-while-pending-rendering
    All elements with this class are the main content.

<div data-options="dxView: { name: 'Products', title: 'Products' }">
    <div data-options="dxContent: { targetPlaceholder: 'content' }" data-bind="dxDeferRendering: {
        showLoadIndicator: true,
        renderWhen: isReady
        <div class="dx-visible-while-pending-rendering">
            <!-- Displayed while the main content is getting ready -->
        <div class="dx-invisible-while-pending-rendering">
            <!-- The main content -->
See Also