JavaScript/jQuery Chart API
The Chart is a widget that visualizes data from a local or remote storage using a great variety of series types along with different interactive elements, such as tooltips, crosshair pointer, legend, etc.
See Also
- Set Up DevExtreme: Angular | Vue | React | jQuery | AngularJS | Knockout | ASP.NET MVC 5 | ASP.NET Core
- Configure a Widget: Angular | Vue | React | jQuery | AngularJS | Knockout | ASP.NET MVC 5 | ASP.NET Core
This section describes properties that configure the contents, behavior and appearance of the Chart widget.
Name | Description |
adaptiveLayout |
Specifies adaptive layout options. |
adjustOnZoom |
Specifies whether to adjust the value axis's visualRange when the argument axis is being zoomed or panned. |
animation |
Specifies animation options. |
annotations |
Specifies the annotation collection. |
argumentAxis |
Configures the argument axis. |
autoHidePointMarkers |
Specifies whether to hide series point markers automatically to reduce visual clutter. |
barGroupPadding |
Controls the padding and consequently the width of a group of bars with the same argument using relative units. Ignored if the barGroupWidth option is set. |
barGroupWidth |
Specifies a fixed width for groups of bars with the same argument, measured in pixels. Takes precedence over the barGroupPadding option. |
commonAnnotationSettings |
Specifies settings common for all annotations in the chart. |
commonAxisSettings |
Defines common settings for both the argument and value axis in a chart. |
commonPaneSettings |
Defines common settings for all panes in a chart. |
commonSeriesSettings |
Specifies settings common for all series in the chart. |
containerBackgroundColor |
Colors the background of the chart container. |
crosshair |
Configures the crosshair feature. |
customizeAnnotation |
Customizes an individual annotation. |
customizeLabel |
Customizes the appearance of an individual point label. |
customizePoint |
Customizes the appearance of an individual series point. |
dataPrepareSettings |
Processes data before visualizing it. |
dataSource |
Binds the widget to data. |
defaultPane |
Specifies which pane should be used by default. |
disabled |
Specifies whether the widget responds to the user interaction. |
elementAttr |
Specifies the attributes to be attached to the widget's root element. |
export |
Configures the exporting and printing features. |
legend |
Specifies the options of a chart's legend. |
loadingIndicator |
Configures the loading indicator. |
margin |
Generates space around the widget. |
maxBubbleSize |
Specifies a coefficient determining the diameter of the largest bubble. |
minBubbleSize |
Specifies the diameter of the smallest bubble measured in pixels. |
negativesAsZeroes |
Forces the widget to treat negative values as zeroes. Applies to stacked-like series only. |
onArgumentAxisClick |
A function that is executed when a label on the argument axis is clicked or tapped. |
onDisposing |
A function that is executed before the widget is disposed of. |
onDone |
A function that is executed when all series are ready. |
onDrawn |
A function that is executed when the widget's rendering has finished. |
onExported |
A function that is executed after the widget is exported. |
onExporting |
A function that is executed before the widget is exported. |
onFileSaving |
A function that is executed before a file with exported widget is saved to the user's local storage. |
onIncidentOccurred |
A function that is executed when an error or warning occurs. |
onInitialized |
A function used in JavaScript frameworks to save the widget instance. |
onLegendClick |
A function that is executed when a legend item is clicked or tapped. |
onOptionChanged |
A function that is executed after a widget option is changed. |
onPointClick |
A function that is executed when a series point is clicked or tapped. |
onPointHoverChanged |
A function that is executed after the pointer enters or leaves a series point. |
onPointSelectionChanged |
A function that is executed when a series point is selected or selection is canceled. |
onSeriesClick |
A function that is executed when a series is clicked or tapped. |
onSeriesHoverChanged |
A function that is executed after the pointer enters or leaves a series. |
onSeriesSelectionChanged |
A function that is executed when a series is selected or selection is canceled. |
onTooltipHidden |
A function that is executed when a tooltip becomes hidden. |
onTooltipShown |
A function that is executed when a tooltip appears. |
onZoomEnd |
A function that is executed when zooming or panning ends. |
onZoomStart |
A function that is executed when zooming or panning begins. |
palette |
Sets the palette to be used for colorizing series and their elements. |
paletteExtensionMode |
Specifies what to do with colors in the palette when their number is less than the number of series (in the Chart widget) or points in a series (in the PieChart widget). |
panes |
Declares a collection of panes. |
pathModified |
Notifies the widget that it is embedded into an HTML page that uses a tag modifying the path. |
pointSelectionMode |
Specifies whether a single point or multiple points can be selected in the chart. |
redrawOnResize |
Specifies whether to redraw the widget when the size of the parent browser window changes or a mobile device rotates. |
resolveLabelOverlapping |
Specifies how the chart must behave when series point labels overlap. |
rotated |
Swaps the axes around making the value axis horizontal and the argument axis vertical. |
rtlEnabled |
Switches the widget to a right-to-left representation. |
scrollBar |
Specifies the settings of the scroll bar. |
series |
Specifies options for Chart widget series. |
seriesSelectionMode |
Specifies whether a single series or multiple series can be selected in the chart. |
seriesTemplate |
Defines options for the series template. |
size |
Specifies the widget's size in pixels. |
stickyHovering |
Specifies whether a point should remain in the hover state when the mouse pointer moves away. |
synchronizeMultiAxes |
Indicates whether or not to synchronize value axes when they are displayed on a single pane. |
theme |
Sets the name of the theme the widget uses. |
title |
Configures the widget's title. |
tooltip |
Configures tooltips. |
valueAxis |
Configures the value axis. |
zoomAndPan |
Configures zooming and panning. |
See Also
- Configure a Widget: Angular | Vue | React | jQuery | AngularJS | Knockout | ASP.NET MVC 5 | ASP.NET Core
Name | Description |
beginUpdate() |
Prevents the widget from refreshing until the endUpdate() method is called. |
clearSelection() |
Deselects the chart's selected series. The series is displayed in an initial style. |
dispose() |
Disposes of all the resources allocated to the Chart instance. |
element() |
Gets the root widget element. |
endUpdate() |
Refreshes the widget after a call of the beginUpdate() method. |
exportTo(fileName, format) |
Exports the widget. |
getAllSeries() |
Gets all the series. |
getArgumentAxis() |
Gets the argument axis. |
getDataSource() |
Gets the DataSource instance. |
getInstance(element) |
Gets the instance of a widget found using its DOM node. |
getSeriesByName(seriesName) |
Gets a series with a specific name. |
getSeriesByPos(seriesIndex) |
Gets a series with a specific index. |
getSize() |
Gets the current widget size. |
getValueAxis() |
Gets a value axis. |
getValueAxis(name) |
Gets a value axis with the specified name. |
hideLoadingIndicator() |
Hides the loading indicator. |
hideTooltip() |
Hides all widget tooltips. |
instance() |
Gets the widget's instance. Use it to access other methods of the widget. |
off(eventName) |
Detaches all event handlers from a single event. |
off(eventName, eventHandler) |
Detaches a particular event handler from a single event. |
on(eventName, eventHandler) |
Subscribes to an event. |
on(events) |
Subscribes to events. |
option() |
Gets all widget options. |
option(optionName) |
Gets the value of a single option. |
option(optionName, optionValue) |
Updates the value of a single option. |
option(options) |
Updates the values of several options. |
print() |
Opens the browser's print window. |
refresh() |
Reloads data and repaints the widget. |
render() |
Redraws the widget. |
render(renderOptions) |
Redraws the widget. |
resetVisualRange() |
Resets the visual ranges of both axes to the data range or to the whole range if it is within the data range. |
showLoadingIndicator() |
Shows the loading indicator. |
svg() |
Gets the widget's SVG markup. |
zoomArgument(startValue, endValue) |
Sets the argument axis' start and end values. |
See Also
- Call Methods: Angular | Vue | React | jQuery | AngularJS | Knockout | ASP.NET MVC 5 | ASP.NET Core
Name | Description |
argumentAxisClick |
Raised when a label on the argument axis is clicked or tapped. |
disposing |
Raised before the widget is disposed of. |
done |
Raised when all series are ready. |
drawn |
Raised when the widget's rendering has finished. |
exported |
Raised after the widget is exported. |
exporting |
Raised before the widget is exported. |
fileSaving |
Raised before a file with exported widget is saved to the user's local storage. |
incidentOccurred |
Raised when an error or warning occurs. |
initialized |
Raised only once, after the widget is initialized. |
legendClick |
Raised when a legend item is clicked or tapped. |
optionChanged |
Raised after a widget option is changed. |
pointClick |
Raised when a series point is clicked or tapped. |
pointHoverChanged |
Raised after the pointer enters or leaves a series point. |
pointSelectionChanged |
Raised when a series point is selected or selection is canceled. |
seriesClick |
Raised when a series is clicked or tapped. |
seriesHoverChanged |
Raised after the pointer enters or leaves a series. |
seriesSelectionChanged |
Raised when a series is selected or selection is canceled. |
tooltipHidden |
Raised when a tooltip becomes hidden. |
tooltipShown |
Raised when a tooltip appears. |
zoomEnd |
Raised when zooming or panning ends. |
zoomStart |
Raised when zooming or panning begins. |
See Also
- Handle Events: Angular | Vue | React | jQuery | AngularJS | Knockout | ASP.NET MVC 5 | ASP.NET Core
Series Types
Name | Description |
AreaSeries |
Describes settings supported by a series of the area type. |
BarSeries |
Describes settings supported by a series of the bar type. |
BubbleSeries |
Describes settings supported by a series of the bubble type. |
CandleStickSeries |
Describes settings supported by a series of the candlestick type. |
FullStackedAreaSeries |
Describes settings supported by a series of the full-stacked area type. |
FullStackedBarSeries |
Describes settings supported by a series of the full-stacked bar type. |
FullStackedLineSeries |
Describes settings supported by a series of the full-stacked line type. |
FullStackedSplineAreaSeries |
Describes settings supported by a series of the full-stacked spline area type. |
FullStackedSplineSeries |
Describes settings supported by a series of the full-stacked spline area type. An object defining a series of the fullStackedSpline type. |
LineSeries |
Describes settings supported by a series of the line type. |
RangeAreaSeries |
Describes settings supported by a series of the range area type. |
RangeBarSeries |
Describes settings supported by a series of the range bar type. |
ScatterSeries |
Describes settings supported by a series of the scatter type. |
SplineAreaSeries |
Describes settings supported by a series of the spline area type. |
SplineSeries |
Describes settings supported by a series of the spline type. |
StackedAreaSeries |
Describes settings supported by a series of the stacked area type. |
StackedBarSeries |
Describes settings supported by a series of the stacked bar type. |
StackedLineSeries |
Describes settings supported by a series of the stacked line type. |
StackedSplineAreaSeries |
Describes settings supported by a series of the stacked spline area type. |
StackedSplineSeries |
Describes settings supported by a series of the stacked spline type. |
StepAreaSeries |
Describes settings supported by a series of the step rea type. |
StepLineSeries |
Describes settings supported by a series of the step line type. |
StockSeries |
Describes settings supported by a series of the stock type. |
If you have technical questions, please create a support ticket in the DevExpress Support Center.