DevExtreme jQuery - Custom Shapes

The Diagram widget provides a collection of built-in shapes. Use the customShapes option to extend this collection with custom shapes.

Diagram control custom shapes

Shape images should be supplied as SVG files.

View Demo

Use the toolbox option to add the custom shapes to the toolbox.

$(function() {
    var diagram = $("#diagram").dxDiagram({
        customShapes: [{
            category: "hardware",
            type: "internet",
            title: "Internet",
            backgroundImageUrl: "images/shapes/internet.svg",
            backgroundImageLeft: 0.15,
            backgroundImageTop: 0,
            backgroundImageWidth: 0.7,
            backgroundImageHeight: 0.7,
            defaultWidth: 0.75,
            defaultHeight: 0.75,
            defaultText: "Internet",
            allowEditText: true,
            textLeft: 0,
            textTop: 0.7,
            textWidth: 1,
            textHeight: 0.3,
            connectionPoints: [
                { x: 0.5, y: 0 },
                { x: 0.9, y: 0.5 },
                { x: 0.5, y: 1 },
                { x: 0.1, y: 0.5 }
    toolbox: {
        groups: [{ category: "hardware", title: "Hardware" }]