JavaScript/jQuery Chart Methods
Prevents the UI component from refreshing until the endUpdate() method is called.
The beginUpdate() and endUpdate() methods prevent the UI component from excessive updates when you are changing multiple UI component settings at once. After the beginUpdate() method is called, the UI component does not update its UI until the endUpdate() method is called.
See Also
After calling this method, remove the DOM element associated with the UI component:
- $("#myChart").dxChart("dispose");
- $("#myChart").remove();
Use this method only if the UI component was created with jQuery or pure JavaScript. In Angular, Vue, and React, use conditional rendering:
See Also
Gets the DataSource instance.
See Also
- Call Methods: Angular | Vue | React | jQuery | AngularJS | Knockout
- Data Layer - Overview
- Data Layer - DataSource Examples
getInstance is a static method that the UI component class supports. The following code demonstrates how to get the Chart instance found in an element with the myChart
- // Modular approach
- import Chart from "devextreme/viz/chart";
- ...
- let element = document.getElementById("myChart");
- let instance = Chart.getInstance(element) as Chart;
- // Non-modular approach
- let element = document.getElementById("myChart");
- let instance = DevExpress.viz.dxChart.getInstance(element);
See Also
A value axis. The first axis from the valueAxis array in a multi-axis chart, and the defaultPane's value axis in a multi-pane chart.
Normally, the UI component redraws itself automatically after the browser window is resized. But on rare occasions, you may need to request the redrawing, for example, after the UI component's container is resized. For this purpose, call the render() method.
See Also
You can call the render method without parameters after the size or visibility of the UI component container is changed. Alternatively, call the render method passing an object as the parameter. This object must contain the force field set to 'true'. In addition, you can use this object to specify whether or not to perform animation on redrawing with the animate field.
The following code sample illustrates the example of the object that can be passed to the render method.
- var renderOptions = {
- force: true, // forces redrawing
- animate: false // redraws the UI component without animation
- }
See Also
Resets the visual ranges of both axes to the data range or to the whole range if it is within the data range.
See Also
- Visual and Whole Ranges
- argumentAxis.visualRange | valueAxis.visualRange
- Axis.visualRange(visualRange)
zoomArgument(startValue, endValue)
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