JavaScript/jQuery ValidationGroup Methods
getInstance is a static method that the UI component class supports. The following code demonstrates how to get the ValidationGroup instance found in an element with the myValidationGroup
- // Modular approach
- import ValidationGroup from "devextreme/ui/validation_group";
- ...
- let element = document.getElementById("myValidationGroup");
- let instance = ValidationGroup.getInstance(element) as ValidationGroup;
- // Non-modular approach
- let element = document.getElementById("myValidationGroup");
- let instance = DevExpress.ui.dxValidationGroup.getInstance(element);
See Also
on(eventName, eventHandler)
Use this method to subscribe to one of the events listed in the Events section.
See Also
Use this method to subscribe to several events with one method call. Available events are listed in the Events section.
See Also
Resets the value and validation result of the editors that are included to the current validation group.
Validates rules of the validators that belong to the current validation group.
As an alternative to this method, you can use the DevExpress.validationEngine.validateGroup(group) function passing the current group as a parameter.
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