JavaScript/jQuery Diagram - Diagram Tools
The Diagram UI component allows you to customize its UI tools with the following properties.
- $(function() {
- var diagram = $("#diagram").dxDiagram({
- contextMenu: {
- enabled: true,
- commands: ["bringToFront","sendToBack", "lock", "unlock"]
- },
- contextToolbox: {
- enabled: true,
- category: "flowchart",
- shapeIconsPerRow: 5,
- width: 200
- },
- propertiesPanel: {
- visibility: 'visible',
- tabs: [{
- groups: [ { title: "Page Properties", commands: ["pageSize", "pageOrientation", "pageColor"] } ]
- }]
- },
- historyToolbar: {
- visible: false
- },
- viewToolbar: {
- visible: true,
- commands: ["zoomLevel", "fullScreen", "units",
- {name: "sayHello", text: "Say Hello", icon: "blockquote"},
- {name: "export", icon: "export", items: ["exportSvg","exportPng","exportJpg"]}]
- },
- mainToolbar: {
- visible: true,
- commands: [
- { name: "undo" },
- { name: "redo" },
- { name: "separator" },
- { name: "fontName" },
- { name: "fontSize" },
- { name: "separator" },
- { name: "bold" },
- { name: "italic" },
- { name: "underline" },
- { name: "separator" },
- { name: "fontColor" },
- { name: "lineColor" },
- { name: "fillColor" },
- { name: "separator" },
- { name: "clear", icon: "clearsquare", text: "Clear Diagram" }
- ]
- },
- toolbox: {
- visibility: 'visible',
- groups: [
- "general", { category: "flowchart", title: "Flowchart", expanded: true }
- ],
- showSearch: false,
- shapeIconsPerRow: 4,
- width: 220
- },
- onCustomCommand: function(e) {
- if( === "clear") {
- var result = DevExpress.ui.dialog.confirm(
- "Are you sure you want to clear the diagram? This action cannot be undone.", "Warning");
- result.done(
- function(dialogResult) {
- if(dialogResult) {
- e.component.import("");
- }
- }
- );}
- else if ( == "sayHello")
- alert("Hello!")
- }
- }).dxDiagram("instance");
- ...
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