JavaScript/jQuery Chart - BarSeries.label
Declared in commonSeriesSettings, the label settings apply to all point labels in the chart. Declared in a series configuration object, the label settings apply only to the point labels that belong to this particular series. The series-specific label settings override the common ones.
$(function() { $("#chartContainer").dxChart({ // ... series: [{ label: { // Settings for all point labels of an individual series } }, { // ... }], commonSeriesSettings: { label: { // Settings for all point labels in the Chart } } }); });
<dx-chart ... > <dxi-series> <dxo-label ... > <!-- Settings for all point labels of an individual series --> </dxo-label> </dxi-series> <dxo-common-series-settings ... > <dxo-label ... > <!-- Settings for all point labels in the Chart --> </dxo-label> </dxo-common-series-settings> </dx-chart>
import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'] }) export class AppComponent { // ... }
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { AppComponent } from './app.component'; import { DxChartModule } from 'devextreme-angular'; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent ], imports: [ BrowserModule, DxChartModule ], providers: [ ], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
<template> <DxChart ... > <DxSeries ... > <DxLabel ...> <!-- Settings for all point labels of an individual series --> </DxLabel> </DxSeries> <DxCommonSeriesSettings ... > <DxLabel ... > <!-- Settings for all point labels in the Chart --> </DxLabel> </DxCommonSeriesSettings> </DxChart> </template> <script> import DxChart, { DxSeries, DxLabel, DxCommonSeriesSettings } from 'devextreme-vue/chart'; export default { components: { DxChart, DxSeries, DxLabel, DxCommonSeriesSettings }, // ... } </script>
import React from 'react'; import Chart, { Series, Label, CommonSeriesSettings } from 'devextreme-react/chart'; class App extends React.Component { render() { return ( <Chart ... > <Series ... > <Label ... > // Settings for all point labels of an individual series </Label> </Series> <CommonSeriesSettings ... > <Label ... > // Settings for all point labels in the Chart </Label> </CommonSeriesSettings> </Chart> ); } } export default App;
See Also
This property accepts the following values:
Displays labels in the center of the point.left
Aligns the left corner of the label to the center of the point.right
Aligns the right corner of the label to the center of the point.
Formats the point argument before it is displayed in the point label. To format the point value, use the format property.
A point label displays only the point value by default. Using the label.customizeText property, you can instruct the label to display the point argument as well. The argumentFormat property applies in this case only. This property accepts an object whose fields are described in the format section.
See Also
- format - provides a comprehensive overview of formatting capabilities.
- Value Formatting - shows how to apply formatting to various UI component elements.
This property supports the following colors:
- Hexadecimal colors
- RGB colors
- RGBA colors
- Predefined/cross-browser color names
- Predefined SVG colors
- Paint server address
You can remove the label's background by setting this property to "none". In this case, the label's text is the same color as the point.
This property accepts a function whose parameter exposes the following fields.
Field | Description |
originalValue | The raw value of the point. |
value | The originalValue after type cast. |
valueText | The value with an applied format and converted to string. |
originalArgument | The raw argument of the point. |
argument | The originalArgument after type cast. |
argumentText | The argument with an applied format and converted to string. |
point | The Point object. |
seriesName | The name of the series to which the point belongs. |
keyword.See Also
This property is ignored if labels are hidden.
Use the parameters of the label.customizeText function as placeholders in the displayFormat property value.
The example below illustrates how to customize label text for all series and individual series:
$(function() { $("#chartContainer").dxChart({ // ... commonSeriesSettings: { type: 'line', label: { format: 'thousands', visible: true, displayFormat: "{seriesName}: {valueText}", } }, series: [ { valueField: 'y1564', name: '15-64 years' }, { valueField: 'y014', name: '0-14 years' }, { valueField: 'y65', name: '65 years and older', label: { displayFormat: "<u>65+ years</u>: {valueText}", }, }, ], }); });
<dx-chart ... > <dxi-series valueField="y1564" name="15-64 years"></dxi-series> <dxi-series valueField="y014" name="0-14 years"></dxi-series> <dxi-series valueField="y65" name="65 years and older"> <dxo-label displayformat="<u>65+ years</u>: {valueText}"> </dxo-label> </dxi-series> <dxo-common-series-settings ... > <dxo-label format="thousands" [visible]="true" displayFormat="{seriesName}: {valueText}"> </dxo-label> </dxo-common-series-settings> </dx-chart>
import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'] }) export class AppComponent { // ... }
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { AppComponent } from './app.component'; import { DxChartModule } from 'devextreme-angular'; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent ], imports: [ BrowserModule, DxChartModule ], providers: [ ], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
<template> <DxChart ... > <DxSeries value-field="y1564" name="15-64 years" /> <DxSeries value-field="y014" name="0-14 years" /> <DxSeries value-field="y65" name="65 years and older"> <DxLabel display-format="<u>65+ years</u>: {valueText}" /> </DxSeries> <DxCommonSeriesSettings ... > <DxLabel :visible="true" format="thousands" display-format="{seriesName}: {valueText}" /> </DxCommonSeriesSettings> </DxChart> </template> <script> import DxChart, { DxSeries, DxLabel, DxCommonSeriesSettings } from 'devextreme-vue/chart'; export default { components: { DxChart, DxSeries, DxLabel, DxCommonSeriesSettings }, // ... } </script>
import React from 'react'; import Chart, { Series, Label, CommonSeriesSettings } from 'devextreme-react/chart'; class App extends React.Component { render() { return ( <Chart ... > <Series valueField="y1564" name="15-64 years"></Series> <Series valueField="y014" name="0-14 years"></Series> <Series valueField="y65" name="65 years and older"> <Label displayFormat="<u>65+ years</u>: {valueText}" > </Label> </Series> <CommonSeriesSettings ... > <Label format="thousands" visible={true} displayFormat="{seriesName}: {valueText}" > </Label> </CommonSeriesSettings> </Chart> ); } } export default App;
ASP.NET Core Controls
@(Html.DevExtreme().Chart() .CommonSeriesSettings(s => s .Label(label => label .Format(Format.Thousands) .DisplayFormat("{seriesName}: {valueText}") .Visible(true) ) ) ) .Series(s => { s.Add().ValueField("y1564").Name("15-64 years"); s.Add().ValueField("y014").Name("0-14 years"); s.Add().ValueField("y65").Name("65 years and older").Label(label => label .DisplayFormat("<u>65+ years</u>: {valueText}") ); }) // ... )
ASP.NET MVC Controls
@(Html.DevExtreme().Chart() .CommonSeriesSettings(s => s .Label(label => label .Format(Format.Thousands) .DisplayFormat("{seriesName}: {valueText}") .Visible(true) ) ) ) .Series(s => { s.Add().ValueField("y1564").Name("15-64 years"); s.Add().ValueField("y014").Name("0-14 years"); s.Add().ValueField("y65").Name("65 years and older").Label(label => label .DisplayFormat("<u>65+ years</u>: {valueText}") ); }) // ... )
See the format section for information on accepted values.
If you specify the format with an object and apply it to a full-stacked-like series, this object can also contain the percentPrecision field. Full-stacked-like series points have absolute and percentage values. The percentPrecision field specifies how many decimal digits the percentage values should have:
format: { type: "fixedPoint", // the format of absolute values precision: 1, // the precision of absolute values (123.456 --> 123.4) percentPrecision: 2 // the precision of percentage values (12.3456 % --> 12.34 %) }
See Also
Specifies whether to display point labels inside or outside of series points. Applies only to bubble, range-like and bar-like series.
Specifies whether or not to show labels for points with zero value. Applies only to bar-like series.
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