JavaScript/jQuery Gantt - resourceAssignments
Resource assignments define relationship between tasks and resources.
Use the dataSource property to bind the UI component to a data source, which contains resource assignments. If the field names in your data source differ from the 'id', 'resourceId' and 'taskId' default names, use the keyExpr, resourceIdExpr and/or taskIdExpr properties to map data fields.
See Also
- <dx-gantt ... >
- <dxo-resource-assignments
- [dataSource]="resourceAssignments"
- keyExpr="key"
- resourceIdExpr="resourceKey"
- taskIdExpr="taskKey">
- </dxo-resource-assignments>
- <!-- ... -->
- </dx-gantt>
- import { Component } from '@angular/core';
- @Component({
- selector: 'app-root',
- templateUrl: './app.component.html',
- styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
- })
- export class AppComponent {
- resourceAssignments: ResourceAssignment[];
- // ...
- constructor(service: Service) {
- this.resourceAssignments = service.getResourceAssignments();
- // ...
- }
- }
- import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
- import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
- import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
- import { DxGanttModule } from 'devextreme-angular';
- import { Service, ResourceAssignment, ... } from './app.service';
- @NgModule({
- imports: [
- BrowserModule,
- DxGanttModule
- ],
- declarations: [AppComponent],
- bootstrap: [AppComponent]
- })
- export class AppModule { }
- import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
- export class ResourceAssignment {
- id: number;
- taskId: number;
- resourceId: number;
- }
- const resourceAssignments: ResourceAssignment[] = [{
- 'key': 0,
- 'taskKey': 3,
- 'resourceKey': 1
- },
- // ...
- ];
- @Injectable()
- export class Service {
- getResourceAssignments(): ResourceAssignment[] {
- return resourceAssignments;
- }
- }
- {
- "projects": {
- "ProjectName": {
- "architect": {
- "build": {
- "options": {
- "styles": [
- "node_modules/devextreme/dist/css/dx.light.css",
- "node_modules/devexpress-gantt/dist/dx-gantt.css",
- "src/styles.css"
- ],
- ...
- },
- ...
- },
- ...
- }
- },
- ...
- },
- ...
- }
Refer to the resourceAssignments property to see how to specify the dataSource property.
Refer to the resourceAssignments property to see how to specify the resourceIdExpr property.
If you have technical questions, please create a support ticket in the DevExpress Support Center.