JavaScript/jQuery Floating Action Button - Getting Started
The Floating Action Button (FAB) is the primary action button on a screen that is displayed in front of all screen content. The FAB can execute an action or open a stack of two to five related actions (speed dial).
There should be only one FAB on a screen, but its action(s) can be different for different screens. For more details on the FAB concept and best practices, refer to the following topic: Material Design Guidelines.
In DevExtreme, the FAB is implemented as a container that collects and stores SpeedDialAction components.
From this tutorial, you will learn how to create a single- or multi-action FAB and alter action sets during screen transitions.
Code examples in this tutorial use icons from the Ionicons library. If you are going to replicate the examples in your application, reference the Ionicons stylesheet within in the <head>
section of your page:
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
Single Action
A single-action FAB represents the primary action of a screen. According to the guidelines, this action should be constructive, such as, create, share, explore, or edit, as in the following example:
To create a single-action FAB, add one SpeedDialAction to your page and specify its onClick and icon properties. Other properties are optional, but we also specify a hint.
To position the FAB, use the floatingActionButtonConfig.position property in the GlobalConfig object.
Refer to the GitHub repository for the code that configures the example above and illustrates the described techniques.
Multiple Actions (Speed Dial)
The FAB can open a menu with several related actions (speed dial).
To create a FAB that opens a speed dial, add multiple SpeedDialAction components to a page, each with an individual icon and onClick event handler. The actions are sorted according to their indexes.
FAB parameters are configured in the floatingActionButtonConfig object. Use it to change the FAB's position, maximum number of actions, icons in the open and close states, and other parameters.
Refer to the GitHub repository for the code that configures the example above and shows how to set the described properties.
Handle Screen Transitions
Different screens use different FABs because a FAB should perform or contain only actions that can be performed on a particular screen. The DevExtreme TabPanel is used to emulate switching between screens.
To implement this behavior, change the visible property of each SpeedDialAction when the screen is switched. Set this property to true if an action can be performed on the current screen. Otherwise, set it to false.
The following code shows the TabPanel configuration and an empty switchSDA
function. This function controls the actions' visibility when it is implemented later.
- $(function() {
- $("#tab-panel").dxTabPanel({
- items: [{
- title: "Edit Tab",
- template: function() {
- return "<p>Edit tab's content</p>";
- }
- }, {
- title: "Share Tab",
- template: function() {
- return "<p>Share tab's content</p>";
- }
- }],
- onSelectionChanged: function(e) {
- switchSDAs(e.addedItems[0].title);
- }
- });
- function switchSDAs(tabTitle) {
- // To be implemented
- }
- });
- <html>
- <head>
- <!-- ... -->
- <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
- <!-- DevExtreme resources -->
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
- <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
- <!-- Custom icons by Ionicons -->
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="index.css">
- <script type="text/javascript" src="index.js"></script>
- </head>
- <body class="dx-viewport">
- <div id="app-container">
- <div id="tab-panel"></div>
- <div id="action-edit"></div>
- <div id="action-mail"></div>
- <div id="action-copy"></div>
- <div id="action-facebook"></div>
- </div>
- </body>
- </html>
- .dx-fa-button-icon, .dx-fa-button-icon-close {
- text-align: center;
- }
- p {
- text-align: center;
- }
- #app-container {
- height: 360px;
- width: 320px;
- }
- .dx-tabpanel .dx-tabs-wrapper {
- display: flex;
- flex-flow: row nowrap;
- }
- .dx-tab {
- display: flex;
- flex-flow: row nowrap;
- flex: 1;
- justify-content: center;
- }
The following code adds four SpeedDialActions to the page, but only the "Edit" action is visible at launch. The switchSDA
function changes the actions' visibility based on the selected tab:
- $(function() {
- // TabPanel is configured here
- // ...
- DevExpress.config({
- floatingActionButtonConfig: {
- icon: "icon ion-md-share",
- position: {
- my: "right bottom",
- at: "right bottom",
- of: "#app-container",
- offset: "-16 -16"
- }
- }
- });
- const editAction = $("#action-edit").dxSpeedDialAction({
- hint: "Edit",
- icon: "icon ion-md-create",
- onClick: function() {
- showNotification("Edit is clicked")
- }
- }).dxSpeedDialAction("instance");
- const copyAction = $("#action-copy").dxSpeedDialAction({
- hint: "Copy to clipboard",
- icon: "icon ion-md-copy",
- visible: false,
- onClick: function() {
- showNotification("Copied to clipboard")
- }
- }).dxSpeedDialAction("instance");
- const mailAction = $("#action-mail").dxSpeedDialAction({
- hint: "Send by email",
- icon: "icon ion-md-mail",
- visible: false,
- onClick: function() {
- showNotification("Sent by email")
- }
- }).dxSpeedDialAction("instance");
- const facebookAction = $("#action-facebook").dxSpeedDialAction({
- hint: "Share on Facebook",
- icon: "icon ion-logo-facebook",
- visible: false,
- onClick: function() {
- showNotification("Shared on Facebook")
- }
- }).dxSpeedDialAction("instance");
- function switchSDAs(tabTitle) {
- if(tabTitle === "Edit Tab") {
- editAction.option("visible", true);
- copyAction.option("visible", false);
- mailAction.option("visible", false);
- facebookAction.option("visible", false);
- }
- if(tabTitle === "Share Tab") {
- editAction.option("visible", false);
- copyAction.option("visible", true);
- mailAction.option("visible", true);
- facebookAction.option("visible", true);
- }
- }
- function showNotification(message) {
- DevExpress.ui.notify({
- message: message,
- position: {
- my: "left bottom",
- at: "left bottom",
- of: "#app-container",
- offset: "16 -16"
- },
- minWidth: null,
- width: function() {
- return $("#app-container").width() * 0.7;
- }
- }, "info", 1000);
- }
- });
You can find the full code in the following GitHub repository: getting-started-with-floating-action-button-screen-transitions.
For more information on the Floating Action Button's functionality, explore the following resources:
If you have technical questions, please create a support ticket in the DevExpress Support Center.