DevExtreme DataSource
To get the DataSource instance, call the Funnel's getDataSource() method:
- function getDataSource() {
- return $("#funnelContainer").dxFunnel("getDataSource");
- }
Then, access the underlying store with the store() method, and call the store's push(changes) method to modify data. The Funnel will be updated automatically.
- getDataSource().store().push([
- { type: "update", key: "Oranges", data: { count: 10 } },
- { type: "remove", key: "Apples" }
- ]);
See Also
Make changes to the array using standard methods. Then, reassign the updated array to the Funnel using the option(optionName, optionValue) method.
- var fruits = [
- { fruit: 'Apples', count: 10 },
- { fruit: 'Oranges', count: 12 },
- { fruit: 'Lemons', count: 15 }
- ];
- fruits.push({ fruit: 'Pineapples', count: 3 });
- // Reassigns the "fruits" array to the Funnel
- $("#funnelContainer").dxFunnel("option", "dataSource", fruits);
See Also
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