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JavaScript/jQuery Pivot Grid - Header and Footer

The JavaScript PivotGrid allows you to customize a header and a footer in the exported Excel file. The ExcelJS library allows you to customize worksheets outside of exported cell regions. This, in turns, allows you to add a header (a title before exported data) and a footer (a note after exported data).
Backend API

Follow the steps below to configure a header/footer:

  1. Set the export.enabled property to true.

  2. In the onExporting event handler, call the exportPivotGrid(options) method.

  3. Enable one or multiple options to export headers of the fields in the field panel:

  4. Execute a promise after the exportPivotGrid(options) method. In this promise, specify the position, appearance, and content of the header/footer. The functions used to generate header and footer sections utilize the following JavaScript PivotGrid customization features: