DevExtreme Angular - Using Angular Signals with DevExtreme

Angular v16+ features "Angular Signals", a new method to track and respond to changes in page data.

Signals are wrappers that listen to changes in page data. You can create two kinds of signals:

  • A writable signal wraps around a variable and fires when the variable's value changes. You can reference this signal throughout the application to manually overwrite the value of the underlying variable.
  • A computed signal wraps around other signals and uses internal logic to process their data.

You can respond to signals with effects. Effects are functions that run when one or more signals fire.

If you want to integrate this capability into your application, you can examine a sample DevExtreme application with signals and effects.

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  • The prefix signal in the example monitors the state of the "Prefix" dropdown. When the user changes the active option, the corresponding effect function filters the list of employees, and selects rows with employees that match the selected prefix.
  • The selectedRows signal monitors the state of the table and reports changes to the row selection.
  • The selectionMessage computed signal listens to the selectedRows signal. It joins the names of the selected employees into a single string. The table caption includes this string.