Angular ButtonGroup - Getting Started
The ButtonGroup is a set of toggle buttons that can be used as a mode switcher.
This tutorial describes how to configure basic ButtonGroup features. We create a ButtonGroup that logs the names of the selected buttons into the browser's console (open the console to see them):
Each section in this tutorial covers a single configuration step. You can also find the full code in the GitHub repository.
Create the ButtonGroup
You can use the following code to create the ButtonGroup:
- <html>
- <head>
- <!-- ... -->
- <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
- <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="index.js"></script>
- </head>
- <body class="dx-viewport">
- <div id="myButtonGroup"></div>
- </body>
- </html>
- $(function() {
- $("#myButtonGroup").dxButtonGroup({
- // Configuration goes here
- });
- });
Add Buttons to the ButtonGroup
Buttons are configured by objects that can contain custom and predefined fields. For instance, the fontStyles
array in the following code has four data objects with one predefined field (icon
) and one custom field (style
) each.
Assign the array to the items property and use the keyExpr to specify style
as the key field. We log the field's values into the console at a later step.
- const fontStyles = [{
- icon: "bold",
- style: "bold"
- }, {
- icon: "italic",
- style: "italic"
- }, {
- icon: "underline",
- style: "underline"
- }, {
- icon: "strike",
- style: "strike"
- }];
- $(function() {
- $("#myButtonGroup").dxButtonGroup({
- items: fontStyles,
- keyExpr: "style",
- });
- });
If you run the code, you should see a ButtonGroup that contains four buttons but nothing happens when you click any of them.
Preselect a Button
Populate the selectedItemKeys array with the keys of the buttons that should be preselected. In this tutorial, we add the "italic" button to this array.
- $(function() {
- $("#myButtonGroup").dxButtonGroup({
- // ...
- selectedItemKeys: [ "italic" ],
- });
- });
If you run the code now, you should see the "italic" button initially selected.
Handle the Selection Change Event
Assign a function to the onSelectionChanged property. In this tutorial, the function logs the added or removed style's name to the browser's console:
- $(function() {
- $("#myButtonGroup").dxButtonGroup({
- // ...
- onSelectionChanged: function (e) {
- if(e.addedItems[0]) {
- console.log("The following style is added: " + e.addedItems[0].style);
- }
- if(e.removedItems[0]) {
- console.log("The following style is removed: " + e.removedItems[0].style)
- }
- },
- });
- });
Run the code, open the browser's console, and select or clear the button selection in the ButtonGroup. You should see messages like the following:
- The following style is added: underline
- The following style is removed: bold
Enable Multiple Selection
Set the selectionMode property to "multiple" to allow users to select multiple buttons. You can also change the onSelectionChanged handler from the previous step to log all the selected styles in the console:
- $(function() {
- $("#myButtonGroup").dxButtonGroup({
- // ...
- selectionMode: "multiple",
- onSelectionChanged: function (e) {
- const selectedItemKeys = e.component.option("selectedItemKeys");
- let message;
- if(selectedItemKeys.length > 0) {
- message = "The following styles are selected: " + selectedItemKeys.join(", ");
- } else {
- message = "There are no selected styles"
- }
- console.log(message);
- }
- });
- });
Now you should be able to select multiple buttons and see messages like the following in the console:
- The following styles are selected: bold, underline, strike
You have configured basic ButtonGroup features. To take a more detailed look at this UI component, explore the following resources:
If you have technical questions, please create a support ticket in the DevExpress Support Center.