Angular Chat - Overview

Chat is a UI component that allows users to send and receive messages in real time.

In this overview, you can find a map of Chat elements, information about key features, and what to explore next.

Key Features

  • Control Message Feed
    Set initial Chat messages and display new ones with the items array, renderMessage method, or dataSource CRUD operations. Use onMessageEntered to define actions after a message is entered.

  • Integrate AI and Chatbots
    The DevExtreme Chat component allows you to add AI assistants by configuring AI services in the backend.

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  • Typing Status
    Typing triggers typingStart, while stopping or sending a message raises typingEnd. Use these events to manage the typingUsers array, indicating who is typing in the Chat.

  • UI Customization
    Customize Chat messages with messageTemplate. Display runtime issues with the alerts array. Control UI elements with properties like showAvatar, and adjust date/time formats with options like messageTimestampFormat.

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