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Angular File Manager - Overview

The DevExtreme JavaScript FileManager component allows you to display and manage files and directories for different file systems. The JavaScript FileManager uses file system providers to access file systems.

Use the fileSystemProvider property to configure the component's file system provider. The "File System Types" demo group illustrates how to use the JavaScript FileManager with different file system providers.

The source code for the Angular version of this demo will be available soon.

The component's default security settings provide read-only access to files and directories. Use the permissions property to deny or allow a user to copy, create, move, delete, rename, upload, and download files and directories. You can also specify file restrictions: allowed file extensions (allowedFileExtensions), chunk size (chunkSize) and maximum file size (maxFileSize).

Use the component's itemView property or the view switcher on the toolbar to display file system items as a detailed list or customizable thumbnails.

This demo contains commented out code lines that enable file modification operations. You can uncomment them and configure if necessary.