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JavaScript/jQuery Popup - Scrolling

This demo shows two implementations of scrolling in the JavaScript Popup component.

When you click the first Show JavaScript Popup button, a JavaScript Popup with a native scrollbar appears. The component always displays a native scrollbar when the height of the JavaScript Popup's content is greater than that of the JavaScript Popup.

Backend API

A click on the second Show JavaScript Popup button also displays a JavaScript Popup with a scrollbar, but this scrollbar belongs to the ScrollView component. This implementation is more flexible. For example, you can enable right-to-left representation or scroll the content to a specific position. For more information about the available options, refer to the ScrollView API section.

To implement the second solution, follow the steps below:

  1. Wrap the content in the ScrollView component and place it in the JavaScript Popup container.

  2. Set the height and width of the ScrollView to 100% of the popup content area.