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If you have technical questions, please create a support ticket in the DevExpress Support Center.
Backend API
$(() => {
readOnly: true,
customShapes: employees.map(
(emp) => ({
type: `employee${emp.ID}`,
baseType: 'rectangle',
defaultWidth: 1.5,
defaultHeight: 1,
allowEditText: false,
allowResize: false,
customShapeTemplate(item, $container) {
const employee = item.dataItem;
const $content = $(`${"<svg class='template'>"
+ "<text class='template-name' x='50%' y='20%'>"}${employee.Full_Name}</text>`
+ `<text class='template-title' x='50%' y='45%'>${employee.Title}</text>`
+ '<text class=\'template-button\' x=\'50%\' y=\'85%\'>Show Details</text>'
+ '</svg >');
$content.find('.template-button').click(() => {
nodes: {
dataSource: new DevExpress.data.ArrayStore({
key: 'ID',
data: employees,
keyExpr: 'ID',
typeExpr(obj) { return `employee${obj.ID}`; },
parentKeyExpr: 'Head_ID',
autoLayout: {
type: 'tree',
let currentEmployee = {};
let popup = null;
const popupOptions = {
width: 300,
height: 280,
contentTemplate() {
return $('<div />').append(
$(`<p>Full Name: <b>${currentEmployee.Full_Name}</b></p>`),
$(`<p>Title: <b>${currentEmployee.Title}</b></p>`),
$(`<p>City: <b>${currentEmployee.City}</b></p>`),
$(`<p>State: <b>${currentEmployee.State}</b></p>`),
$(`<p>Email: <b>${currentEmployee.Email}</b></p>`),
$(`<p>Skype: <b>${currentEmployee.Skype}</b></p>`),
$(`<p>Mobile Phone: <b>${currentEmployee.Mobile_Phone}</b></p>`),
showTitle: true,
title: 'Information',
visible: false,
dragEnabled: false,
hideOnOutsideClick: true,
const showInfo = function (data) {
currentEmployee = data;
if (popup) {
popup.option('contentTemplate', popupOptions.contentTemplate.bind(this));
} else {
popup = $('#popup').dxPopup(popupOptions).dxPopup('instance');
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en">
<body class="dx-viewport">
<div class="demo-container">
<div id="diagram"> </div>
<div id="popup"> </div>
#diagram {
height: 725px;
#diagram .template .template-name {
font-weight: bold;
text-decoration: underline;
#diagram .template .template-title {
font-style: italic;
#diagram .template .template-button {
cursor: pointer;
font-size: 8pt;
fill: navy;
#diagram .template .template-button:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
.dx-popup-content p {
margin: 0 0 10px;
const employees = [{
ID: 1,
Head_ID: 0,
Full_Name: 'John Heart',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'CEO',
City: 'Los Angeles',
State: 'California',
Email: 'jheart@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'jheart_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(213) 555-9392',
Birth_Date: '1964-03-16',
Hire_Date: '1995-01-15',
}, {
ID: 2,
Head_ID: 1,
Full_Name: 'Samantha Bright',
Prefix: 'Dr.',
Title: 'COO',
City: 'Los Angeles',
State: 'California',
Email: 'samanthab@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'samanthab_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(213) 555-2858',
Birth_Date: '1966-05-02',
Hire_Date: '2004-05-24',
}, {
ID: 3,
Head_ID: 1,
Full_Name: 'Arthur Miller',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'CTO',
City: 'Denver',
State: 'Colorado',
Email: 'arthurm@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'arthurm_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(310) 555-8583',
Birth_Date: '1972-07-11',
Hire_Date: '2007-12-18',
}, {
ID: 4,
Head_ID: 1,
Full_Name: 'Robert Reagan',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'CMO',
City: 'Bentonville',
State: 'Arkansas',
Email: 'robertr@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'robertr_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-2387',
Birth_Date: '1974-09-07',
Hire_Date: '2002-11-08',
}, {
ID: 5,
Head_ID: 1,
Full_Name: 'Greta Sims',
Prefix: 'Ms.',
Title: 'HR Manager',
City: 'Atlanta',
State: 'Georgia',
Email: 'gretas@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'gretas_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-6546',
Birth_Date: '1977-11-22',
Hire_Date: '1998-04-23',
}, {
ID: 6,
Head_ID: 3,
Full_Name: 'Brett Wade',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'IT Manager',
City: 'Reno',
State: 'Nevada',
Email: 'brettw@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'brettw_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(626) 555-0358',
Birth_Date: '1968-12-01',
Hire_Date: '2009-03-06',
}, {
ID: 7,
Head_ID: 5,
Full_Name: 'Sandra Johnson',
Prefix: 'Mrs.',
Title: 'Controller',
City: 'Beaver',
State: 'Utah',
Email: 'sandraj@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'sandraj_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(562) 555-2082',
Birth_Date: '1974-11-15',
Hire_Date: '2005-05-11',
}, {
ID: 8,
Head_ID: 4,
Full_Name: 'Ed Holmes',
Prefix: 'Dr.',
Title: 'Sales Manager',
City: 'Malibu',
State: 'California',
Email: 'edwardh@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'edwardh_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(310) 555-1288',
Birth_Date: '1973-07-14',
Hire_Date: '2005-06-19',
}, {
ID: 9,
Head_ID: 3,
Full_Name: 'Barb Banks',
Prefix: 'Mrs.',
Title: 'Support Manager',
City: 'Phoenix',
State: 'Arizona',
Email: 'barbarab@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'barbarab_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(310) 555-3355',
Birth_Date: '1979-04-14',
Hire_Date: '2002-08-07',
}, {
ID: 10,
Head_ID: 2,
Full_Name: 'Kevin Carter',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Shipping Manager',
City: 'San Diego',
State: 'California',
Email: 'kevinc@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'kevinc_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(213) 555-2840',
Birth_Date: '1978-01-09',
Hire_Date: '2009-08-11',
}, {
ID: 11,
Head_ID: 5,
Full_Name: 'Cindy Stanwick',
Prefix: 'Ms.',
Title: 'HR Assistant',
City: 'Little Rock',
State: 'Arkansas',
Email: 'cindys@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'cindys_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-6655',
Birth_Date: '1985-06-05',
Hire_Date: '2008-03-24',
}, {
ID: 12,
Head_ID: 8,
Full_Name: 'Sammy Hill',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Sales Assistant',
City: 'Pasadena',
State: 'California',
Email: 'sammyh@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'sammyh_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(626) 555-7292',
Birth_Date: '1984-02-17',
Hire_Date: '2012-02-01',
}, {
ID: 13,
Head_ID: 10,
Full_Name: 'Davey Jones',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Shipping Assistant',
City: 'Pasadena',
State: 'California',
Email: 'davidj@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'davidj_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(626) 555-0281',
Birth_Date: '1983-03-06',
Hire_Date: '2011-04-24',
}, {
ID: 14,
Head_ID: 10,
Full_Name: 'Victor Norris',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Shipping Assistant',
City: 'Little Rock',
State: 'Arkansas',
Email: 'victorn@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'victorn_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(213) 555-9278',
Birth_Date: '1986-07-23',
Hire_Date: '2012-07-23',
}, {
ID: 15,
Head_ID: 10,
Full_Name: 'Mary Stern',
Prefix: 'Ms.',
Title: 'Shipping Assistant',
City: 'Beaver',
State: 'Utah',
Email: 'marys@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'marys_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-7857',
Birth_Date: '1982-04-08',
Hire_Date: '2012-08-12',
}, {
ID: 16,
Head_ID: 10,
Full_Name: 'Robin Cosworth',
Prefix: 'Mrs.',
Title: 'Shipping Assistant',
City: 'Los Angeles',
State: 'California',
Email: 'robinc@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'robinc_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-0942',
Birth_Date: '1981-06-12',
Hire_Date: '2012-09-01',
}, {
ID: 17,
Head_ID: 9,
Full_Name: 'Kelly Rodriguez',
Prefix: 'Ms.',
Title: 'Support Assistant',
City: 'Boise',
State: 'Idaho',
Email: 'kellyr@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'kellyr_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-9248',
Birth_Date: '1988-05-11',
Hire_Date: '2012-10-13',
}, {
ID: 18,
Head_ID: 9,
Full_Name: 'James Anderson',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Support Assistant',
City: 'Atlanta',
State: 'Georgia',
Email: 'jamesa@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'jamesa_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(323) 555-4702',
Birth_Date: '1987-01-29',
Hire_Date: '2012-10-18',
}, {
ID: 19,
Head_ID: 9,
Full_Name: 'Antony Remmen',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Support Assistant',
City: 'Boise',
State: 'Idaho',
Email: 'anthonyr@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'anthonyr_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(310) 555-6625',
Birth_Date: '1986-02-19',
Hire_Date: '2013-01-19',
}, {
ID: 20,
Head_ID: 8,
Full_Name: 'Olivia Peyton',
Prefix: 'Mrs.',
Title: 'Sales Assistant',
City: 'Atlanta',
State: 'Georgia',
Email: 'oliviap@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'oliviap_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(310) 555-2728',
Birth_Date: '1981-06-03',
Hire_Date: '2012-05-14',
}, {
ID: 21,
Head_ID: 6,
Full_Name: 'Taylor Riley',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Network Admin',
City: 'San Jose',
State: 'California',
Email: 'taylorr@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'taylorr_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(310) 555-7276',
Birth_Date: '1982-08-14',
Hire_Date: '2012-04-14',
}, {
ID: 22,
Head_ID: 6,
Full_Name: 'Amelia Harper',
Prefix: 'Mrs.',
Title: 'Network Admin',
City: 'Los Angeles',
State: 'California',
Email: 'ameliah@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'ameliah_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(213) 555-4276',
Birth_Date: '1983-11-19',
Hire_Date: '2011-02-10',
}, {
ID: 23,
Head_ID: 6,
Full_Name: 'Wally Hobbs',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Programmer',
City: 'Chatsworth',
State: 'California',
Email: 'wallyh@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'wallyh_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-8872',
Birth_Date: '1984-12-24',
Hire_Date: '2011-02-17',
}, {
ID: 24,
Head_ID: 6,
Full_Name: 'Brad Jameson',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Programmer',
City: 'San Fernando',
State: 'California',
Email: 'bradleyj@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'bradleyj_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-4646',
Birth_Date: '1988-10-12',
Hire_Date: '2011-03-02',
}, {
ID: 25,
Head_ID: 6,
Full_Name: 'Karen Goodson',
Prefix: 'Miss',
Title: 'Programmer',
City: 'South Pasadena',
State: 'California',
Email: 'kareng@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'kareng_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(626) 555-0908',
Birth_Date: '1987-04-26',
Hire_Date: '2011-03-14',
}, {
ID: 26,
Head_ID: 5,
Full_Name: 'Marcus Orbison',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Travel Coordinator',
City: 'Los Angeles',
State: 'California',
Email: 'marcuso@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'marcuso_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(213) 555-7098',
Birth_Date: '1982-03-02',
Hire_Date: '2005-05-19',