Vue Gantt API
Name | Description |
accessKey |
Specifies the shortcut key that sets focus on the UI component. |
activeStateEnabled |
Specifies whether the UI component changes its visual state as a result of user interaction. |
allowSelection |
Specifies whether users can select tasks in the Gantt. |
columns |
An array of columns in the Gantt. |
contextMenu |
Configures the context menu settings. |
dependencies |
Configures dependencies. |
disabled |
Specifies whether the UI component responds to user interaction. |
editing |
Configures edit properties. |
elementAttr |
Specifies the global attributes to be attached to the UI component's container element. |
endDateRange |
Specifies the end date of the date interval in the Gantt chart. |
filterRow |
Configures filter row settings. |
firstDayOfWeek |
Specifies the first day of a week. |
focusStateEnabled |
Specifies whether the UI component can be focused using keyboard navigation. |
headerFilter |
Configures the header filter settings. |
height |
Specifies the UI component's height. |
hint |
Specifies text for a hint that appears when a user pauses on the UI component. |
hoverStateEnabled |
Specifies whether the UI component changes its state when a user pauses on it. |
onContentReady |
A function that is executed when the UI component is rendered and each time the component is repainted. |
onContextMenuPreparing |
A function that is executed before the context menu is rendered. |
onCustomCommand |
A function that is executed after a custom command item was clicked. Allows you to implement a custom command's functionality. |
onDependencyDeleted |
A function that is executed when a dependency is deleted. |
onDependencyDeleting |
A function that is executed before a dependency is deleted. |
onDependencyInserted |
A function that is executed when a dependency is inserted. |
onDependencyInserting |
A function that is executed before a dependency is inserted. |
onDisposing |
A function that is executed before the UI component is disposed of. |
onInitialized |
A function used in JavaScript frameworks to save the UI component instance. |
onOptionChanged |
A function that is executed after a UI component property is changed. |
onResourceAssigned |
A function that is executed when a resource is assigned to a task. |
onResourceAssigning |
A function that is executed before a resource is assigned to a task. |
onResourceDeleted |
A function that is executed when a resource is deleted. |
onResourceDeleting |
A function that is executed before a resource is deleted. |
onResourceInserted |
A function that is executed when a resource is inserted. |
onResourceInserting |
A function that is executed before a resource is inserted. |
onResourceManagerDialogShowing |
A function that is executed before the Resource Manager dialog is shown. |
onResourceUnassigned |
A function that is executed when a resource is unassigned from a task. |
onResourceUnassigning |
A function that is executed before a resource is unassigned from a task. |
onScaleCellPrepared |
A function that is executed before a scale cell is prepared. |
onSelectionChanged |
A function that is executed after users select a task or clear its selection. |
onTaskClick |
A function that is executed when a user clicks a task. |
onTaskDblClick |
A function that is executed when a user double-clicks a task. |
onTaskDeleted |
A function that is executed when a task is deleted. |
onTaskDeleting |
A function that is executed before a task is deleted. |
onTaskEditDialogShowing |
A function that is executed before the edit dialog is shown. |
onTaskInserted |
A function that is executed when a task is inserted. |
onTaskInserting |
A function that is executed before a task is inserted. |
onTaskMoving |
A function that is executed before a task is moved. |
onTaskUpdated |
A function that is executed when a task is updated. |
onTaskUpdating |
A function that is executed before a task is updated. |
resourceAssignments |
Configures resource assignments. |
resources |
Configures task resources. |
rootValue |
Specifies the root task's identifier. |
scaleType |
Specifies the zoom level of tasks in the Gantt chart. |
scaleTypeRange |
Configures zoom range settings. |
selectedRowKey |
Allows you to select a row or determine which row is selected. |
showDependencies |
Specifies whether to display dependencies between tasks. |
showResources |
Specifies whether to display task resources. |
showRowLines |
Specifies whether to show/hide horizontal faint lines that separate tasks. |
sorting |
Configures sort settings. |
startDateRange |
Specifies the start date of the date interval in the Gantt chart. |
stripLines |
Configures strip lines. |
tabIndex |
Specifies the number of the element when the Tab key is used for navigating. |
taskContentComponent |
An alias for the taskContentTemplate property specified in React. Accepts a custom component. Refer to Using a Custom Component for more information. |
taskContentRender |
An alias for the taskContentTemplate property specified in React. Accepts a rendering function. Refer to Using a Rendering Function for more information. |
taskContentTemplate |
Specifies custom content for the task. |
taskListWidth |
Specifies the width of the task list in pixels. |
taskProgressTooltipContentComponent |
An alias for the taskProgressTooltipContentTemplate property specified in React. Accepts a custom component. Refer to Using a Custom Component for more information. |
taskProgressTooltipContentRender |
An alias for the taskProgressTooltipContentTemplate property specified in React. Accepts a rendering function. Refer to Using a Rendering Function for more information. |
taskProgressTooltipContentTemplate |
Specifies custom content for the tooltip that displays the task's progress while the progress handler is resized in the UI. |
tasks |
Configures tasks. |
taskTimeTooltipContentComponent |
An alias for the taskTimeTooltipContentTemplate property specified in React. Accepts a custom component. Refer to Using a Custom Component for more information. |
taskTimeTooltipContentRender |
An alias for the taskTimeTooltipContentTemplate property specified in React. Accepts a rendering function. Refer to Using a Rendering Function for more information. |
taskTimeTooltipContentTemplate |
Specifies custom content for the tooltip that displays the task's start and end time while the task is resized in the UI. |
taskTitlePosition |
Specifies a task's title position. |
taskTooltipContentComponent |
An alias for the taskTooltipContentTemplate property specified in React. Accepts a custom component. Refer to Using a Custom Component for more information. |
taskTooltipContentRender |
An alias for the taskTooltipContentTemplate property specified in React. Accepts a rendering function. Refer to Using a Rendering Function for more information. |
taskTooltipContentTemplate |
Specifies custom content for the task tooltip. |
toolbar |
Configures toolbar settings. |
validation |
Configures validation properties. |
visible |
Specifies whether the UI component is visible. |
width |
Specifies the UI component's width. |
Name | Description |
assignResourceToTask(resourceKey, taskKey) |
Assigns a resource to a task. |
beginUpdate() |
Postpones rendering that can negatively affect performance until the endUpdate() method is called. |
collapseAll() |
Collapses all tasks. |
collapseTask(key) |
Collapses a task. |
defaultOptions(rule) |
Specifies the device-dependent default configuration properties for this component. |
deleteDependency(key) |
Deletes a dependency. |
deleteResource(key) |
Deletes a resource. |
deleteTask(key) |
Deletes a task. |
dispose() |
Disposes of all the resources allocated to the Gantt instance. |
element() |
Gets the root UI component element. |
endUpdate() |
Refreshes the UI component after a call of the beginUpdate() method. |
expandAll() |
Expands all tasks. |
expandAllToLevel(level) |
Expands all tasks down to the specified hierarchical level. |
expandTask(key) |
Expands a task. |
expandToTask(key) |
Expands a task's parent tasks. |
focus() |
Sets focus on the UI component. |
getDependencyData(key) |
Gets the dependency data. |
getInstance(element) |
Gets the instance of a UI component found using its DOM node. |
getResourceAssignmentData(key) |
Gets the resource assignment data. |
getResourceData(key) |
Gets the resource data. |
getTaskData(key) |
Gets the task data. |
getTaskResources(key) |
Gets resources assigned to a task. |
getVisibleDependencyKeys() |
Gets the keys of the visible dependencies. |
getVisibleResourceAssignmentKeys() |
Gets the keys of the visible resource assignments. |
getVisibleResourceKeys() |
Gets the keys of the visible resources. |
getVisibleTaskKeys() |
Gets the keys of the visible tasks. |
insertDependency(data) |
Inserts a new dependency. |
insertResource(data, taskKeys) |
Inserts a new resource. |
insertTask(data) |
Inserts a new task. |
instance() |
Gets the UI component's instance. Use it to access other methods of the UI component. |
off(eventName) |
Detaches all event handlers from a single event. |
off(eventName, eventHandler) |
Detaches a particular event handler from a single event. |
on(eventName, eventHandler) |
Subscribes to an event. |
on(events) |
Subscribes to events. |
option() |
Gets all UI component properties. |
option(optionName) |
Gets the value of a single property. |
option(optionName, optionValue) |
Updates the value of a single property. |
option(options) |
Updates the values of several properties. |
refresh() |
Reloads data and repaints the Gantt component. |
registerKeyHandler(key, handler) |
Registers a handler to be executed when a user presses a specific key. |
repaint() |
Renders the component again without reloading data. Use the method to update the component's markup and appearance dynamically. |
resetOption(optionName) |
Resets a property to its default value. |
scrollToDate(date) |
Scrolls the Gantt chart to the specified date. |
showDependencies(value) |
Shows or hides dependencies between tasks. |
showResourceManagerDialog() |
Invokes the "Resource Manager" dialog. |
showResources(value) |
Shows or hides task resources. |
showTaskDetailsDialog(taskKey) |
Invokes the "Task Details" dialog. |
unassignAllResourcesFromTask(taskKey) |
Removes all resources from the task. |
unassignResourceFromTask(resourceKey, taskKey) |
Removes a resource from the task. |
updateDimensions() |
Updates the dimensions of the UI component contents. |
updateTask(key, data) |
Updates the task data. |
zoomIn() |
Zooms in the Gantt chart. |
zoomOut() |
Zooms out the Gantt chart. |
Name | Description |
contentReady |
Raised when the UI component is rendered and each time the component is repainted. |
contextMenuPreparing |
Raised before the context menu is rendered. |
customCommand |
Raised after a custom command item was clicked. |
dependencyDeleted |
Raised when a dependency is deleted. |
dependencyDeleting |
Raised before a dependency is deleted. |
dependencyInserted |
Raised when a dependency is inserted. |
dependencyInserting |
Raised before a dependency is inserted. |
disposing |
Raised before the UI component is disposed of. |
initialized |
Raised only once, after the UI component is initialized. |
optionChanged |
Raised after a UI component property is changed. |
resourceAssigned |
Raised when a resource is assigned to a task. |
resourceAssigning |
Raised before a resource is assigned to a task. |
resourceDeleted |
Raised when a resource is deleted. |
resourceDeleting |
Raised before a resource is deleted. |
resourceInserted |
Raised when a resource is inserted. |
resourceInserting |
Raised before a resource is inserted. |
resourceManagerDialogShowing |
Raised before the Resource Manager dialog is shown. |
resourceUnassigned |
Raised when a resource is unassigned from a task. |
resourceUnassigning |
Raised before a resource is unassigned from a task. |
scaleCellPrepared |
Raised before a scale cell is prepared. |
selectionChanged |
Raised after users select a task or clear its selection. |
taskClick |
Raised when a user clicks a task. |
taskDblClick |
Raised when a user double-clicks a task. |
taskDeleted |
Raised when a task is deleted. |
taskDeleting |
Raised before a task is deleted. |
taskEditDialogShowing |
Raised before the edit dialog is shown. |
taskInserted |
Raised when a task is inserted. |
taskInserting |
Raised before a task is inserted. |
taskMoving |
Raised before a task is moved. |
taskUpdated |
Raised when a task is updated. |
taskUpdating |
Raised before a task is updated. |
Name | Description |
ContentReadyEvent |
The type of the contentReady event handler's argument. |
ContextMenuPreparingEvent |
The type of the contextMenuPreparing event handler's argument. |
CustomCommandEvent |
The type of the customCommand event handler's argument. |
DependencyDeletedEvent |
The type of the dependencyDeleted event handler's argument. |
DependencyDeletingEvent |
The type of the dependencyDeleting event handler's argument. |
DependencyInsertedEvent |
The type of the dependencyInserted event handler's argument. |
DependencyInsertingEvent |
The type of the dependencyInserting event handler's argument. |
DisposingEvent |
The type of the disposing event handler's argument. |
GanttPdfExportDateRange |
Specifies the date range for which to export tasks. |
GanttPdfExportMode |
Specifies which part of the component to export (chart area, tree list area, or the entire component). |
GanttPredefinedContextMenuItem |
Configures context menu item settings. |
GanttPredefinedToolbarItem |
Configures toolbar items' settings. |
GanttRenderScaleType |
Specifies a scale type to render. |
GanttScaleType |
Specifies the zoom level of tasks in the Gantt chart. |
GanttTaskTitlePosition |
Specifies a task's title position. |
InitializedEvent |
The type of the initialized event handler's argument. |
OptionChangedEvent |
The type of the optionChanged event handler's argument. |
ResourceAssignedEvent |
The type of the resourceAssigned event handler's argument. |
ResourceAssigningEvent |
The type of the resourceAssigning event handler's argument. |
ResourceDeletedEvent |
The type of the resourceDeleted event handler's argument. |
ResourceDeletingEvent |
The type of the resourceDeleting event handler's argument. |
ResourceInsertedEvent |
The type of the resourceInserted event handler's argument. |
ResourceInsertingEvent |
The type of the resourceInserting event handler's argument. |
ResourceManagerDialogShowingEvent |
The type of the resourceManagerDialogShowing event handler's argument. |
ResourceUnassignedEvent |
The type of the resourceUnassigned event handler's argument. |
ResourceUnassigningEvent |
The type of the resourceUnassigning event handler's argument. |
ScaleCellPreparedEvent |
The type of the scaleCellPrepared event handler's argument. |
SelectionChangedEvent |
The type of the selectionChanged event handler's argument. |
TaskClickEvent |
The type of the taskClick event handler's argument. |
TaskDblClickEvent |
The type of the taskDblClick event handler's argument. |
TaskDeletedEvent |
The type of the taskDeleted event handler's argument. |
TaskDeletingEvent |
The type of the taskDeleting event handler's argument. |
TaskEditDialogShowingEvent |
The type of the taskEditDialogShowing event handler's argument. |
TaskInsertedEvent |
The type of the taskInserted event handler's argument. |
TaskInsertingEvent |
The type of the taskInserting event handler's argument. |
TaskMovingEvent |
The type of the taskMoving event handler's argument. |
TaskUpdatedEvent |
The type of the taskUpdated event handler's argument. |
TaskUpdatingEvent |
The type of the taskUpdating event handler's argument. |
If you have technical questions, please create a support ticket in the DevExpress Support Center.