DevExtreme jQuery - Get and Set Options

All operations with widget options are carried out using the option() method. You can use it to do the following.

Get All Options

var menuInstance = $("#menuContainer").dxMenu("instance");
var menuOptions = menuInstance.option();

// ---------- or ----------
var menuOptions = $("#menuContainer").dxMenu("option");

Get the Value of a Single Option

var menuInstance = $("#menuContainer").dxMenu("instance");
var menuDataSource = menuInstance.option("dataSource");
var submenuMode = menuInstance.option("");

// ---------- or ----------
var menuDataSource = $("#menuContainer").dxMenu("option", "dataSource");
var submenuMode = $("#menuContainer").dxMenu("option", "");

Set a Single Option

var menuInstance = $("#menuContainer").dxMenu("instance");
menuInstance.option("dataSource", []);
menuInstance.option("", 'onClick');

// ---------- or ----------
$("#menuContainer").dxMenu("option", "dataSource", []);
$("#menuContainer").dxMenu("option", "", 'onClick');
If you perform a chain of option changes, wrap it up into the beginUpdate() and endUpdate() function calls. It prevents the widget from unnecessary refreshing and event raising. Better yet, use an object instead if you need to change several options at once.

Set Several Options

var menuInstance = $("#menuContainer").dxMenu("instance");
    dataSource: [],
    showSubmenuMode: {
        name: 'onClick'

// ---------- or ----------
    dataSource: [],
    showSubmenuMode: {
        name: 'onClick'

When you pass an object to the option(options) method or to the jQuery plugin at runtime as shown in the previous code, options specified in this object will be merged with the options that were specified at design time.

This works properly unless the options were specified as arrays. In this case, you should reassign the entire array of objects that contain new option values alongside old values. The following code sample demonstrates the described technique by the example of the valueAxis array in the Chart widget:

// Declare the array of objects that configure value axes
var valueAxisConfigs = [{
    name: "axis1",
    // ...
}, {
    name: "axis2",
    // ...

    // ....
    // Assign the array to the valueAxis option
    valueAxis: valueAxisConfigs

// Change an option in the first object from the array
valueAxisConfigs[0].visible = false;

// Reassign the whole array
    valueAxis: valueAxisConfigs
See Also