Vue Chart - series

Specifies properties for Chart UI component series.

Selector: DxSeries



Array<Series Configuration>

| undefined
Default Value: undefined
Cannot be used in themes.

A series represents a grouping of related data points. The most important characteristic of a series is its type, which determines a particular visual representation of data. You can find more details on each series type in the corresponding topics in the Series help section.

To define a single series, assign an object defining the series to the series configuration object. In the series' object, specify the series type, data source fields, the appearance of the series points and other properties.

To show several series, specify series as an array of objects defining series. If you need to set similar values to properties of several series, use the commonSeriesSettings configuration object. It exposes the properties that can be specified for all series at once and for all series of a particular type at once. Note that the values specified for a series individually (in the series array) override the values that are specified for all series (in the commonSeriesSettings object).

This property is necessary. If you do not need to specify any of the properties within the series object (e.g., when you have specified them within the commonSeriesSettings object), assign at least an empty object to the series field.


Configures data aggregation for the series.

Selector: DxAggregation


Displaying all the points of a Chart with many series points can affect performance. In this case, aggregate the series points or replace a group of them with a single point. The group includes only those points that fall within the same interval on the argument axis. See aggregationInterval and aggregationGroupWidth for details on dividing the axis into intervals.

The Chart provides several aggregation methods, which differ depending on the series type, and a capability to implement a custom aggregate function. To enable data aggregation for the series, set the aggregation.enabled property to true.

See Also


Specifies which data source field provides arguments for series points.

Selector: argument-field


Default Value: 'arg'
Cannot be used in themes.

In the Cartesian coordinate system, each point is characterized by a pair of coordinates (X, Y). In the Chart UI component, X's are provided by the argumentField; Y's are provided by the valueField.

Certain series types have more than one value field, or require additional data fields to be set. Refer to the valueField property description for details.

Commonly, a chart contains several series, and many of them have the same argument field. In this case, assign the name of this field to the argumentField property of the commonSeriesSettings object. If a series must have a unique argument field, specify the same property, but do so in the series object within the series array.


Binds the series to a value axis.



| undefined
Default Value: undefined

When there are multiple value axes in a chart, series need to know exactly which axis they are bound to. By default, all of them are bound to the first axis in the valueAxis array. To bind a series to another axis, assign the name of the axis to the axis series property.

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Allows you to group bar series so that bars with the same argument overlap.

Selector: bar-overlap-group


| undefined
Default Value: undefined
This member is exposed by the following entities:

Set this property to identical values for the series you want to collect in a single group.

The following image shows a regular bar chart with two series...

DevExtreme Chart: Regular bar chart

...and here the same series are collected in a barOverlapGroup:

DevExtreme Chart: Bar chart with barOverlapGroup applied

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Controls the padding and consequently the width of all bars in a series using relative units. Ignored if the barWidth property is set.

Selector: bar-padding


| undefined
Default Value: undefined
This member is exposed by the following entities:

This property accepts a value from 0 to 1 that specifies the correlation between the empty space on a bar's sides and the bar's width: 0 - the bar occupies the whole allocated space; 1 - virtually hides the bar creating a lot of empty space.

See Also


Specifies a fixed width for all bars in a series, measured in pixels. Takes precedence over the barPadding property.

Selector: bar-width


| undefined
Default Value: undefined
This member is exposed by the following entities:

A bar's maximum width is limited. In single-series charts, it cannot be greater than the interval between two major ticks. In multi-series charts, it depends on the number of bars in the parent group and this group's actual width. See the Specify the Bar Width article for more information.

See Also


Configures the series border (in area-like series) or the series point border (in bar-like and bubble series).

Declared in commonSeriesSettings, the border settings apply to all series in the chart. Declared in a series configuration object, the border settings apply to this particular series only. The series-specific border settings override the common ones.


Specifies which data source field provides close values for points of a financial series.

Selector: close-value-field


Default Value: 'close'
This member is exposed by the following entities:
Cannot be used in themes.

Each point in a financial series has one argument and four values. Arguments are provided by the argumentField; values are provided by the openValueField, closeValueField, highValueField and lowValueField.

If you use a series template, specify the value field properties in the commonSeriesSettings object. Otherwise, do this in the series object within the series array.


Specifies the color of the series.

Selector: DxColor




| undefined
Default Value: undefined

Specified in the commonSeriesSettings object, this property colors all series in the chart. To color an individual series, specify this property in the series object within the series array.

This property supports the following colors:

You can also specify a custom pattern or gradient instead of a plain color. Call the registerPattern() or registerGradient() method to obtain a fill ID. Assign that value to the fillId field.

This functionality is available for the following Chart series:

  • $(function(){
  • $("#chartContainer").dxChart({
  • // ...
  • series: {
  • // ...
  • color: {
  • fillId: customPatternId
  • }
  • }
  • });
  • });


Makes bars look rounded. Applies only to bar-like series.

Selector: corner-radius


Default Value: 0
This member is exposed by the following entities:


Specifies the dash style of the series line. Applies only to line-like series.

Selector: dash-style


Default Value: 'solid'

The following dash styles are available:

  • solid
    The border is a solid, continuous line.

  • longDash
    The border is displayed using long dashes.

  • dash
    The border is displayed using dashes.

  • dot
    The border is displayed using dots.

  • Any combination of 'longDash', 'dash' and 'dot'
    The border is displayed by repeating the specified combination. For instance, 'dashdotdash'.


Specifies which data source field provides high values for points of a financial series.

Selector: high-value-field


Default Value: 'high'
This member is exposed by the following entities:
Cannot be used in themes.

Each point in a financial series has one argument and four values. Arguments are provided by the argumentField; values are provided by the openValueField, closeValueField, highValueField and lowValueField.

If you use a series template, specify the value field properties in the commonSeriesSettings object. Otherwise, do this in the series object within the series array.


Specifies series elements to be highlighted when a user points to a series.

Selector: hover-mode

Depending on the series type, this property accepts different values. For information on them, visit the Series Types section, choose the employed series type and refer to its hoverMode property description.


Configures the appearance adopted by the series when a user points to it.

Selector: DxHoverStyle


Declared in commonSeriesSettings, hoverStyle applies to all series in the chart. Declared in a series configuration object, hoverStyle applies to this particular series only. The series-specific hoverStyle overrides the common one.


Specifies whether the series should ignore null data points.

Selector: ignore-empty-points


Default Value: false

Data points that have the null value do not produce actual series points. Because of this, series may be drawn with unnecessary gaps where missing points should have been. To remove these gaps, set the ignoreEmptyPoints property to true.


Specifies a filling color for the body of a series point that visualizes a non-reduced value. Applies only to candlestick series.

Selector: inner-color


Default Value: '#ffffff'
This member is exposed by the following entities:

See Also
  • reduction - specifies the price reduction properties for financial series.
  • color - colors the frame of a series point in candlestick series.


Configures point labels.

Selector: DxLabel


Declared in commonSeriesSettings, the label settings apply to all point labels in the chart. Declared in a series configuration object, the label settings apply only to the point labels that belong to this particular series. The series-specific label settings override the common ones.

  • $(function() {
  • $("#chartContainer").dxChart({
  • // ...
  • series: [{
  • label: {
  • // Settings for all point labels of an individual series
  • }
  • }, {
  • // ...
  • }],
  • commonSeriesSettings: {
  • label: {
  • // Settings for all point labels in the Chart
  • }
  • }
  • });
  • });

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See Also


Specifies which data source field provides low values for points of a financial series.

Selector: low-value-field


Default Value: 'low'
This member is exposed by the following entities:
Cannot be used in themes.

Each point in a financial series has one argument and four values. Arguments are provided by the argumentField; values are provided by the openValueField, closeValueField, highValueField and lowValueField.

If you use a series template, specify the value field properties in the commonSeriesSettings object. Otherwise, do this in the series object within the series array.


Specifies a limit for the number of point labels.

Selector: max-label-count


| undefined
Default Value: undefined

If the number of points in a series increases over time, there comes a time when it becomes so massive that displaying labels for them makes the chart too cluttered. In this instance, to keep the chart clear to the viewer, specify a limit for the number of point labels using the maxLabelCount property. Once this limit is exceeded, all point labels of the series will be hidden.


Specifies the minimal possible height (or length if the chart is rotated) of a bar in pixels. Applies only to bar-like series.

Selector: min-bar-size


| undefined
Default Value: undefined
This member is exposed by the following entities:

If the disparity between the smallest and largest values in the data source is considerable, small values are visualized by tiny bars that may be difficult to interact with. In this case, specify the minimal possible height (or length if the chart is rotated) for bars using the minBarSize property.

See Also


Specifies the name that identifies the series.



| undefined
Default Value: undefined


Specifies how transparent the series should be.

This property accepts a value from 0 to 1, where 0 makes the series completely transparent, and 1 makes it opaque.


Specifies which data source field provides open values for points of a financial series.

Selector: open-value-field


Default Value: 'open'
This member is exposed by the following entities:
Cannot be used in themes.

Each point in a financial series has one argument and four values. Arguments are provided by the argumentField; values are provided by the openValueField, closeValueField, highValueField and lowValueField.

If you use a series template, specify the value field properties in the commonSeriesSettings object. Otherwise, do this in the series object within the series array.


Specifies which pane the series should belong to. Accepts the name of the pane.



Default Value: 'default'

If this property is not specified, the series will belong to the default pane.

See Also
  • panes - declares a collection of panes.

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Configures series points in scatter, line- and area-like series.

Declared in commonSeriesSettings, the point settings apply to all points in the chart. Declared in a series configuration object, the point settings apply only to the points that belong to this particular series. The series-specific point settings override the common ones.

See Also
  • customizePoint - сustomizes the appearance of an individual series point.


Coupled with the rangeValue2Field property, specifies which data source field provides values for a range-like series.

Selector: range-value1-field


Default Value: 'val1'
This member is exposed by the following entities:
Cannot be used in themes.

Each point in a range-like series has one argument and two values. Arguments are provided by the argumentField; values are provided by the rangeValue1Field, rangeValue2Field.

If you use a series template, specify the value field properties in the commonSeriesSettings object. Otherwise, do this in the series object within the series array.


Coupled with the rangeValue1Field property, specifies which data source field provides values for a range-like series.

Selector: range-value2-field


Default Value: 'val2'
This member is exposed by the following entities:
Cannot be used in themes.

Each point in a range-like series has one argument and two values. Arguments are provided by the argumentField; values are provided by the rangeValue1Field, rangeValue2Field.

If you use a series template, specify the value field properties in the commonSeriesSettings object. Otherwise, do this in the series object within the series array.


Specifies reduction properties for financial series.

Selector: DxReduction


This member is exposed by the following entities:

Each point in a financial series has four values or "prices": high, low, open and close. To mirror the changes on the market more clearly, the UI component compares the price of every point with the price of the previous point. Those points whose price has decreased are painted in a specific color. To specify whether high, low, open or close prices of points should be compared, use the level property.


Specifies series elements to be highlighted when a user selects a series.

Selector: selection-mode

Depending on the series type, this property accepts different values. For information on them, visit the Series Types section, choose the employed series type and refer to its selectionMode property description.

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Configures the appearance adopted by the series when a user selects it.

Selector: DxSelectionStyle


Though not provided out of the box, the selection capability can be implemented using the UI component API. Refer to the onPointClick property description for details.

Declared in commonSeriesSettings, selectionStyle applies to all series in the chart. Declared in a series configuration object, selectionStyle applies to this particular series only. The series-specific selectionStyle overrides the common one.


Specifies whether to show the series in the legend or not.

Selector: show-in-legend


Default Value: true


Specifies which data source field provides size values for bubbles. Required by and applies only to bubble series.

Selector: size-field


Default Value: 'size'
This member is exposed by the following entities:

Each point in a bubble series has an argument, a regular value and a size value. Arguments are provided by the argumentField; regular values are provided by the valueField; size values are provided by the sizeField.

Size values do not specify the real sizes of bubbles directly, they only define the sizes of bubbles in relation to each other. Apart from a size value, the real, pixel-measured size of a bubble depends on the minBubbleSize and maxBubbleSize values and the size of the pane.

Commonly, a chart contains several series, and many of them have the same size field. In this case, assign the name of this field to the sizeField property of the commonSeriesSettings object. If a series must have a unique size field, specify the same property, but do so in the series object within the series array.


Specifies which stack the series should belongs to. Applies only to stacked bar and full-stacked bar series.



Default Value: 'default'
This member is exposed by the following entities:

By default, all series are placed in the same stack. In case you need to distribute them between several side-by-side stacks, specify the stack series property. Series with the same stack value will be collected in a single stack. The number of stacks is unlimited.

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Specifies data about a series.

Type: any | undefined
Default Value: undefined


Specifies which data source field provides auxiliary data for series points.

Selector: tag-field


Default Value: 'tag'
Cannot be used in themes.

This property allows you to associate virtually any required data with a series point. This data will be stored in the tag field of the Point object.

Commonly, a chart contains several series, and many of them have the same tagField value. In this case, specify the tagField property in the commonSeriesSettings object. If a series must have a unique tagField value, specify the same property, but do so in the series object within the series array.

See Also
  • series.tag - associates data with an entire series.


Sets the series type.



Default Value: 'line'


Configures error bars.

Selector: DxValueErrorBar


This member is exposed by the following entities:

Error bars are used on charts to indicate an error or an uncertainty in a reported measurement. They give a general idea of how precise the measurement is.

DevExtreme HTML5 Charts ErrorBars

Error bars can be generated either from concrete or calculated values. To generate one error bar, two values, high and low, are needed. If the chart data source supplies concrete high and low values, assign the required data source fields to the highValueField and lowValueField properties. To hide individual error bars, set the corresponding low and high values in the data source to null.

Alternatively, error bar values can be calculated according to an algorithm. In this case, use the type property to choose a required algorithm, and use the value property to specify the value to be used in calculation.

Error bars are available for axes of the numeric type only.

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Specifies which data source field provides values for series points.

In the Cartesian coordinate system, each point is characterized by a pair of coordinates (X, Y). In a common case, X's are provided by the argumentField; Y's are provided by the valueField.

Certain series types require more than one value field, because their points are characterized by a larger number of coordinates. These series types are:

  • Range-like series types
    Range bar and range area require two value fields: rangeValue1Field and rangeValue2Field.
  • Financial series types
    Stock and candlestick require four value fields: openValueField, closeValueField, highValueField and lowValueField.

If you use a series template, specify the value field properties in the commonSeriesSettings object. Otherwise, do this in the series object within the series array.


Specifies whether the series is visible or not.



Default Value: true

When the series is invisible, the marker of its legend item is faded.
See Also
  • - shows the series at runtime.
  • Series.hide() - hides the series at runtime.


Specifies the width of the series line in pixels. Applies only to line-like series.