JavaScript/jQuery DataGrid - stateStoring
State storing enables the UI component to save applied settings and restore them the next time the UI component is loaded. Assign true to the stateStoring.enabled property to enable this functionality.
State storing saves the following properties:
See Also
Specifies a function that is executed on state loading. Applies only if the type is 'custom'.
The UI component state. As a rule, it is a state that you save within the customSave function.
Use the customSave and customLoad functions to manually implement state storing: in customSave, save the state to a storage; in customLoad, load it. You can also modify the state in both functions.
If you need to save and load the state from a remote storage, use the following code:
function sendStorageRequest (storageKey, dataType, method, data) { var deferred = new $.Deferred; var storageRequestSettings = { url: "https://url/to/your/storage/" + JSON.stringify(storageKey), headers: { "Accept" : "text/html", "Content-Type" : "text/html" }, method: method, data: data ? JSON.stringify(data) : null, dataType: dataType, success: function (data) { deferred.resolve(data); }, fail: function (error) { deferred.reject(); } }; $.ajax(storageRequestSettings); return deferred.promise(); } $(function() { $("#dataGridContainer").dxDataGrid({ // ... stateStoring: { enabled: true, type: "custom", customLoad: function () { return sendStorageRequest("storageKey", "json", "GET"); }, customSave: function (state) { sendStorageRequest("storageKey", "text", "PUT", state); } }, }); })
import { HttpClient, HttpClientModule, HttpHeaders, HttpRequest } from "@angular/common/http"; import { DxDataGridModule } from "devextreme-angular"; import { lastValueFrom } from 'rxjs'; import "rxjs/add/operator/catch"; // ... export class AppComponent { constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient) { } sendStorageRequest = (storageKey, dataType, method, data) => { let url = "https://url/to/your/storage/" + JSON.stringify(storageKey); let req: HttpRequest<any> = new HttpRequest(method, url, { headers: new HttpHeaders({ "Accept": "text/html", "Content-Type": "text/html" }), responseType: dataType, body: data ? JSON.stringify(data) : null }); return lastValueFrom(httpClient.request(req)); } loadState = () => { return this.sendStorageRequest("storageKey", "json", "Get"); } saveState = (state) => { this.sendStorageRequest("storageKey", "text", "Put", state); } } @NgModule({ imports: [ // ... DxDataGridModule, HttpClientModule ], // ... })
<dx-data-grid ...> <dxo-state-storing [enabled]="true" type="custom" [customLoad]="loadState" [customSave]="saveState"> </dxo-state-storing> </dx-data-grid>
<template> <DxDataGrid ... > <DxStateStoring :enabled="true" type="custom" :custom-load="loadState" :custom-save="saveState" /> </DxDataGrid> </template> <script> import 'devextreme/dist/css/dx.light.css'; import DxDataGrid, { DxStateStoring } from 'devextreme-vue/data-grid'; import 'whatwg-fetch'; function sendStorageRequest (storageKey, method, data) { const url = "https://url/to/your/storage/" + JSON.stringify(storageKey); const requestOptions = { method: method, headers: { "Accept": "text/html", "Content-Type": "text/html" }, body: data ? JSON.stringify(data) : null }; return fetch(url, requestOptions) .then(response => response.json()) .catch(() => { throw 'Data Loading Error'; }); } export default { components: { DxDataGrid, DxStateStoring }, // ... methods: { loadState () { return sendStorageRequest("storageKey", "GET"); }, saveState (state) { sendStorageRequest("storageKey", "PUT", state); } } } </script>
import React, { useCallback } from 'react'; import 'devextreme/dist/css/dx.light.css'; import DataGrid, { StateStoring } from 'devextreme-react/data-grid'; import 'whatwg-fetch'; function sendStorageRequest (storageKey, method, data) { const url = "https://url/to/your/storage/" + JSON.stringify(storageKey); const requestOptions = { method: method, headers: { "Accept": "text/html", "Content-Type": "text/html" }, body: data ? JSON.stringify(data) : null }; return fetch(url, requestOptions) .then(response => response.json()) .catch(() => { throw 'Data Loading Error'; }); } export default function App() { const loadState = useCallback(() => { return sendStorageRequest("storageKey", "GET"); }, []); const saveState = useCallback((state) => { sendStorageRequest("storageKey", "PUT", state); }, []); return ( <DataGrid ... > <StateStoring enabled={true} type="custom" customLoad={loadState} customSave={saveState} /> </DataGrid> ); }
See Also
Specifies a function that is executed on state change. Applies only if the type is "custom".
Use the customSave and customLoad functions to manually implement state storing: in customSave, save the state to a storage; in customLoad, load it. You can also modify the state in both functions.
If you need to save and load the state from a remote storage, use the following code:
function sendStorageRequest (storageKey, dataType, method, data) { var deferred = new $.Deferred; var storageRequestSettings = { url: "https://url/to/your/storage/" + JSON.stringify(storageKey), headers: { "Accept" : "text/html", "Content-Type" : "text/html" }, method: method, data: data ? JSON.stringify(data) : null, dataType: dataType, success: function (data) { deferred.resolve(data); }, fail: function (error) { deferred.reject(); } }; $.ajax(storageRequestSettings); return deferred.promise(); } $(function() { $("#dataGridContainer").dxDataGrid({ // ... stateStoring: { enabled: true, type: "custom", customLoad: function () { return sendStorageRequest("storageKey", "json", "GET"); }, customSave: function (state) { sendStorageRequest("storageKey", "text", "PUT", state); } }, }); })
import { HttpClient, HttpClientModule, HttpHeaders, HttpRequest } from "@angular/common/http"; import { DxDataGridModule } from "devextreme-angular"; import { lastValueFrom } from 'rxjs'; import "rxjs/add/operator/catch"; // ... export class AppComponent { constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient) { } sendStorageRequest = (storageKey, dataType, method, data) => { let url = "https://url/to/your/storage/" + JSON.stringify(storageKey); let req: HttpRequest<any> = new HttpRequest(method, url, { headers: new HttpHeaders({ "Accept": "text/html", "Content-Type": "text/html" }), responseType: dataType, body: data ? JSON.stringify(data) : null }); return lastValueFrom(httpClient.request(req)); } loadState = () => { return this.sendStorageRequest("storageKey", "json", "Get"); } saveState = (state) => { this.sendStorageRequest("storageKey", "text", "Put", state); } } @NgModule({ imports: [ // ... DxDataGridModule, HttpClientModule ], // ... })
<dx-data-grid ...> <dxo-state-storing [enabled]="true" type="custom" [customLoad]="loadState" [customSave]="saveState"> </dxo-state-storing> </dx-data-grid>
<template> <DxDataGrid ... > <DxStateStoring :enabled="true" type="custom" :custom-load="loadState" :custom-save="saveState" /> </DxDataGrid> </template> <script> import 'devextreme/dist/css/dx.light.css'; import DxDataGrid, { DxStateStoring } from 'devextreme-vue/data-grid'; import 'whatwg-fetch'; function sendStorageRequest (storageKey, method, data) { const url = "https://url/to/your/storage/" + JSON.stringify(storageKey); const requestOptions = { method: method, headers: { "Accept": "text/html", "Content-Type": "text/html" }, body: data ? JSON.stringify(data) : null }; return fetch(url, requestOptions) .then(response => response.json()) .catch(() => { throw 'Data Loading Error'; }); } export default { components: { DxDataGrid, DxStateStoring }, // ... methods: { loadState () { return sendStorageRequest("storageKey", "GET"); }, saveState (state) { sendStorageRequest("storageKey", "PUT", state); } } } </script>
import React, { useCallback } from 'react'; import 'devextreme/dist/css/dx.light.css'; import DataGrid, { StateStoring } from 'devextreme-react/data-grid'; import 'whatwg-fetch'; function sendStorageRequest (storageKey, method, data) { const url = "https://url/to/your/storage/" + JSON.stringify(storageKey); const requestOptions = { method: method, headers: { "Accept": "text/html", "Content-Type": "text/html" }, body: data ? JSON.stringify(data) : null }; return fetch(url, requestOptions) .then(response => response.json()) .catch(() => { throw 'Data Loading Error'; }); } export default function App() { const loadState = useCallback(() => { return sendStorageRequest("storageKey", "GET"); }, []); const saveState = useCallback((state) => { sendStorageRequest("storageKey", "PUT", state); }, []); return ( <DataGrid ... > <StateStoring enabled={true} type="custom" customLoad={loadState} customSave={saveState} /> </DataGrid> ); }
See Also
Specifies the delay in milliseconds between when a user makes a change and when this change is saved.
This property accepts the following values:
The state is stored for the duration of the browser's session."localStorage"
The state is stored in the window.localStorage object and has no expiration time."custom"
Puts state storing into manual mode. You need to implement the customSave and customLoad functions.
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