If you have technical questions, please create a support ticket in the DevExpress Support Center.
import React from 'react';
import {
TreeList, Editing, Column, ValidationRule, Lookup, Button, TreeListTypes,
} from 'devextreme-react/tree-list';
import { employees } from './data.ts';
const expandedRowKeys = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const lookupData = {
store: employees,
sort: 'Full_Name',
const allowDeleting = (e) => e.row.data.ID !== 1;
const onEditorPreparing = (e: TreeListTypes.EditorPreparingEvent) => {
if (e.dataField === 'Head_ID' && e.row.data.ID === 1) {
e.editorOptions.disabled = true;
e.editorOptions.value = null;
const onInitNewRow = (e: TreeListTypes.InitNewRowEvent) => {
e.data.Head_ID = 1;
const App = () => (
<div id="tree-list-demo">
<Editing allowUpdating={true} allowDeleting={allowDeleting} allowAdding={true} mode="form" />
<Column dataField="Full_Name">
<ValidationRule type="required" />
<Column dataField="Prefix" caption="Title">
<ValidationRule type="required" />
<Column visible={false} dataField="Head_ID" caption="Head">
<Lookup dataSource={lookupData} valueExpr="ID" displayExpr="Full_Name" />
<ValidationRule type="required" />
<Column dataField="Title" caption="Position">
<ValidationRule type="required" />
<Column width={150} dataField="City">
<ValidationRule type="required" />
<Column width={120} dataField="Hire_Date" dataType="date">
<ValidationRule type="required" />
<Column type="buttons">
<Button name="edit" />
<Button name="delete" />
export default App;
import React from 'react';
import {
} from 'devextreme-react/tree-list';
import { employees } from './data.js';
const expandedRowKeys = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const lookupData = {
store: employees,
sort: 'Full_Name',
const allowDeleting = (e) => e.row.data.ID !== 1;
const onEditorPreparing = (e) => {
if (e.dataField === 'Head_ID' && e.row.data.ID === 1) {
e.editorOptions.disabled = true;
e.editorOptions.value = null;
const onInitNewRow = (e) => {
e.data.Head_ID = 1;
const App = () => (
<div id="tree-list-demo">
<Column dataField="Full_Name">
<ValidationRule type="required" />
<ValidationRule type="required" />
<ValidationRule type="required" />
<ValidationRule type="required" />
<ValidationRule type="required" />
<ValidationRule type="required" />
<Column type="buttons">
<Button name="edit" />
<Button name="delete" />
export default App;
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './App.tsx';
<App />,
export const employees = [{
ID: 1,
Head_ID: 0,
Full_Name: 'John Heart',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'CEO',
City: 'Los Angeles',
State: 'California',
Email: 'jheart@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'jheart_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(213) 555-9392',
Birth_Date: '1964-03-16',
Hire_Date: '1995-01-15',
}, {
ID: 2,
Head_ID: 1,
Full_Name: 'Samantha Bright',
Prefix: 'Dr.',
Title: 'COO',
City: 'Los Angeles',
State: 'California',
Email: 'samanthab@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'samanthab_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(213) 555-2858',
Birth_Date: '1966-05-02',
Hire_Date: '2004-05-24',
}, {
ID: 3,
Head_ID: 1,
Full_Name: 'Arthur Miller',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'CTO',
City: 'Denver',
State: 'Colorado',
Email: 'arthurm@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'arthurm_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(310) 555-8583',
Birth_Date: '1972-07-11',
Hire_Date: '2007-12-18',
}, {
ID: 4,
Head_ID: 1,
Full_Name: 'Robert Reagan',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'CMO',
City: 'Bentonville',
State: 'Arkansas',
Email: 'robertr@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'robertr_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-2387',
Birth_Date: '1974-09-07',
Hire_Date: '2002-11-08',
}, {
ID: 5,
Head_ID: 1,
Full_Name: 'Greta Sims',
Prefix: 'Ms.',
Title: 'HR Manager',
City: 'Atlanta',
State: 'Georgia',
Email: 'gretas@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'gretas_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-6546',
Birth_Date: '1977-11-22',
Hire_Date: '1998-04-23',
}, {
ID: 6,
Head_ID: 3,
Full_Name: 'Brett Wade',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'IT Manager',
City: 'Reno',
State: 'Nevada',
Email: 'brettw@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'brettw_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(626) 555-0358',
Birth_Date: '1968-12-01',
Hire_Date: '2009-03-06',
}, {
ID: 7,
Head_ID: 5,
Full_Name: 'Sandra Johnson',
Prefix: 'Mrs.',
Title: 'Controller',
City: 'Beaver',
State: 'Utah',
Email: 'sandraj@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'sandraj_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(562) 555-2082',
Birth_Date: '1974-11-15',
Hire_Date: '2005-05-11',
}, {
ID: 8,
Head_ID: 4,
Full_Name: 'Ed Holmes',
Prefix: 'Dr.',
Title: 'Sales Manager',
City: 'Malibu',
State: 'California',
Email: 'edwardh@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'edwardh_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(310) 555-1288',
Birth_Date: '1973-07-14',
Hire_Date: '2005-06-19',
}, {
ID: 9,
Head_ID: 3,
Full_Name: 'Barb Banks',
Prefix: 'Mrs.',
Title: 'Support Manager',
City: 'Phoenix',
State: 'Arizona',
Email: 'barbarab@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'barbarab_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(310) 555-3355',
Birth_Date: '1979-04-14',
Hire_Date: '2002-08-07',
}, {
ID: 10,
Head_ID: 2,
Full_Name: 'Kevin Carter',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Shipping Manager',
City: 'San Diego',
State: 'California',
Email: 'kevinc@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'kevinc_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(213) 555-2840',
Birth_Date: '1978-01-09',
Hire_Date: '2009-08-11',
}, {
ID: 11,
Head_ID: 5,
Full_Name: 'Cindy Stanwick',
Prefix: 'Ms.',
Title: 'HR Assistant',
City: 'Little Rock',
State: 'Arkansas',
Email: 'cindys@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'cindys_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-6655',
Birth_Date: '1985-06-05',
Hire_Date: '2008-03-24',
}, {
ID: 12,
Head_ID: 8,
Full_Name: 'Sammy Hill',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Sales Assistant',
City: 'Pasadena',
State: 'California',
Email: 'sammyh@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'sammyh_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(626) 555-7292',
Birth_Date: '1984-02-17',
Hire_Date: '2012-02-01',
}, {
ID: 13,
Head_ID: 10,
Full_Name: 'Davey Jones',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Shipping Assistant',
City: 'Pasadena',
State: 'California',
Email: 'davidj@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'davidj_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(626) 555-0281',
Birth_Date: '1983-03-06',
Hire_Date: '2011-04-24',
}, {
ID: 14,
Head_ID: 10,
Full_Name: 'Victor Norris',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Shipping Assistant',
City: 'Little Rock',
State: 'Arkansas',
Email: 'victorn@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'victorn_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(213) 555-9278',
Birth_Date: '1986-07-23',
Hire_Date: '2012-07-23',
}, {
ID: 15,
Head_ID: 10,
Full_Name: 'Mary Stern',
Prefix: 'Ms.',
Title: 'Shipping Assistant',
City: 'Beaver',
State: 'Utah',
Email: 'marys@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'marys_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-7857',
Birth_Date: '1982-04-08',
Hire_Date: '2012-08-12',
}, {
ID: 16,
Head_ID: 10,
Full_Name: 'Robin Cosworth',
Prefix: 'Mrs.',
Title: 'Shipping Assistant',
City: 'Los Angeles',
State: 'California',
Email: 'robinc@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'robinc_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-0942',
Birth_Date: '1981-06-12',
Hire_Date: '2012-09-01',
}, {
ID: 17,
Head_ID: 9,
Full_Name: 'Kelly Rodriguez',
Prefix: 'Ms.',
Title: 'Support Assistant',
City: 'Boise',
State: 'Idaho',
Email: 'kellyr@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'kellyr_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-9248',
Birth_Date: '1988-05-11',
Hire_Date: '2012-10-13',
}, {
ID: 18,
Head_ID: 9,
Full_Name: 'James Anderson',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Support Assistant',
City: 'Atlanta',
State: 'Georgia',
Email: 'jamesa@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'jamesa_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(323) 555-4702',
Birth_Date: '1987-01-29',
Hire_Date: '2012-10-18',
}, {
ID: 19,
Head_ID: 9,
Full_Name: 'Antony Remmen',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Support Assistant',
City: 'Boise',
State: 'Idaho',
Email: 'anthonyr@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'anthonyr_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(310) 555-6625',
Birth_Date: '1986-02-19',
Hire_Date: '2013-01-19',
}, {
ID: 20,
Head_ID: 8,
Full_Name: 'Olivia Peyton',
Prefix: 'Mrs.',
Title: 'Sales Assistant',
City: 'Atlanta',
State: 'Georgia',
Email: 'oliviap@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'oliviap_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(310) 555-2728',
Birth_Date: '1981-06-03',
Hire_Date: '2012-05-14',
}, {
ID: 21,
Head_ID: 6,
Full_Name: 'Taylor Riley',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Network Admin',
City: 'San Jose',
State: 'California',
Email: 'taylorr@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'taylorr_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(310) 555-7276',
Birth_Date: '1982-08-14',
Hire_Date: '2012-04-14',
}, {
ID: 22,
Head_ID: 6,
Full_Name: 'Amelia Harper',
Prefix: 'Mrs.',
Title: 'Network Admin',
City: 'Los Angeles',
State: 'California',
Email: 'ameliah@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'ameliah_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(213) 555-4276',
Birth_Date: '1983-11-19',
Hire_Date: '2011-02-10',
}, {
ID: 23,
Head_ID: 6,
Full_Name: 'Wally Hobbs',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Programmer',
City: 'Chatsworth',
State: 'California',
Email: 'wallyh@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'wallyh_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-8872',
Birth_Date: '1984-12-24',
Hire_Date: '2011-02-17',
}, {
ID: 24,
Head_ID: 6,
Full_Name: 'Brad Jameson',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Programmer',
City: 'San Fernando',
State: 'California',
Email: 'bradleyj@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'bradleyj_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-4646',
Birth_Date: '1988-10-12',
Hire_Date: '2011-03-02',
}, {
ID: 25,
Head_ID: 6,
Full_Name: 'Karen Goodson',
Prefix: 'Miss',
Title: 'Programmer',
City: 'South Pasadena',
State: 'California',
Email: 'kareng@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'kareng_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(626) 555-0908',
Birth_Date: '1987-04-26',
Hire_Date: '2011-03-14',
}, {
ID: 26,
Head_ID: 5,
Full_Name: 'Marcus Orbison',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Travel Coordinator',
City: 'Los Angeles',
State: 'California',
Email: 'marcuso@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'marcuso_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(213) 555-7098',
Birth_Date: '1982-03-02',
Hire_Date: '2005-05-19',
}, {
ID: 27,
Head_ID: 5,
Full_Name: 'Sandy Bright',
Prefix: 'Ms.',
Title: 'Benefits Coordinator',
City: 'Denver',
State: 'Colorado',
Email: 'sandrab@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'sandrab_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-0524',
Birth_Date: '1983-09-11',
Hire_Date: '2005-06-04',
}, {
ID: 28,
Head_ID: 6,
Full_Name: 'Morgan Kennedy',
Prefix: 'Mrs.',
Title: 'Graphic Designer',
City: 'San Fernando Valley',
State: 'California',
Email: 'morgank@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'morgank_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-8238',
Birth_Date: '1984-07-17',
Hire_Date: '2012-01-11',
}, {
ID: 29,
Head_ID: 28,
Full_Name: 'Violet Bailey',
Prefix: 'Ms.',
Title: 'Jr Graphic Designer',
City: 'La Canada',
State: 'California',
Email: 'violetb@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'violetb_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-2478',
Birth_Date: '1985-06-10',
Hire_Date: '2012-01-19',
}, {
ID: 30,
Head_ID: 5,
Full_Name: 'Ken Samuelson',
Prefix: 'Dr.',
Title: 'Ombudsman',
City: 'St. Louis',
State: 'Missouri',
Email: 'kents@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'kents_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(562) 555-9282',
Birth_Date: '1972-09-11',
Hire_Date: '2009-04-22',
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import React from 'react';
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import App from './App.js';
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));
export const employees = [
ID: 1,
Head_ID: 0,
Full_Name: 'John Heart',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'CEO',
City: 'Los Angeles',
State: 'California',
Email: 'jheart@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'jheart_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(213) 555-9392',
Birth_Date: '1964-03-16',
Hire_Date: '1995-01-15',
ID: 2,
Head_ID: 1,
Full_Name: 'Samantha Bright',
Prefix: 'Dr.',
Title: 'COO',
City: 'Los Angeles',
State: 'California',
Email: 'samanthab@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'samanthab_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(213) 555-2858',
Birth_Date: '1966-05-02',
Hire_Date: '2004-05-24',
ID: 3,
Head_ID: 1,
Full_Name: 'Arthur Miller',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'CTO',
City: 'Denver',
State: 'Colorado',
Email: 'arthurm@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'arthurm_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(310) 555-8583',
Birth_Date: '1972-07-11',
Hire_Date: '2007-12-18',
ID: 4,
Head_ID: 1,
Full_Name: 'Robert Reagan',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'CMO',
City: 'Bentonville',
State: 'Arkansas',
Email: 'robertr@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'robertr_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-2387',
Birth_Date: '1974-09-07',
Hire_Date: '2002-11-08',
ID: 5,
Head_ID: 1,
Full_Name: 'Greta Sims',
Prefix: 'Ms.',
Title: 'HR Manager',
City: 'Atlanta',
State: 'Georgia',
Email: 'gretas@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'gretas_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-6546',
Birth_Date: '1977-11-22',
Hire_Date: '1998-04-23',
ID: 6,
Head_ID: 3,
Full_Name: 'Brett Wade',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'IT Manager',
City: 'Reno',
State: 'Nevada',
Email: 'brettw@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'brettw_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(626) 555-0358',
Birth_Date: '1968-12-01',
Hire_Date: '2009-03-06',
ID: 7,
Head_ID: 5,
Full_Name: 'Sandra Johnson',
Prefix: 'Mrs.',
Title: 'Controller',
City: 'Beaver',
State: 'Utah',
Email: 'sandraj@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'sandraj_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(562) 555-2082',
Birth_Date: '1974-11-15',
Hire_Date: '2005-05-11',
ID: 8,
Head_ID: 4,
Full_Name: 'Ed Holmes',
Prefix: 'Dr.',
Title: 'Sales Manager',
City: 'Malibu',
State: 'California',
Email: 'edwardh@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'edwardh_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(310) 555-1288',
Birth_Date: '1973-07-14',
Hire_Date: '2005-06-19',
ID: 9,
Head_ID: 3,
Full_Name: 'Barb Banks',
Prefix: 'Mrs.',
Title: 'Support Manager',
City: 'Phoenix',
State: 'Arizona',
Email: 'barbarab@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'barbarab_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(310) 555-3355',
Birth_Date: '1979-04-14',
Hire_Date: '2002-08-07',
ID: 10,
Head_ID: 2,
Full_Name: 'Kevin Carter',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Shipping Manager',
City: 'San Diego',
State: 'California',
Email: 'kevinc@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'kevinc_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(213) 555-2840',
Birth_Date: '1978-01-09',
Hire_Date: '2009-08-11',
ID: 11,
Head_ID: 5,
Full_Name: 'Cindy Stanwick',
Prefix: 'Ms.',
Title: 'HR Assistant',
City: 'Little Rock',
State: 'Arkansas',
Email: 'cindys@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'cindys_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-6655',
Birth_Date: '1985-06-05',
Hire_Date: '2008-03-24',
ID: 12,
Head_ID: 8,
Full_Name: 'Sammy Hill',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Sales Assistant',
City: 'Pasadena',
State: 'California',
Email: 'sammyh@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'sammyh_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(626) 555-7292',
Birth_Date: '1984-02-17',
Hire_Date: '2012-02-01',
ID: 13,
Head_ID: 10,
Full_Name: 'Davey Jones',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Shipping Assistant',
City: 'Pasadena',
State: 'California',
Email: 'davidj@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'davidj_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(626) 555-0281',
Birth_Date: '1983-03-06',
Hire_Date: '2011-04-24',
ID: 14,
Head_ID: 10,
Full_Name: 'Victor Norris',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Shipping Assistant',
City: 'Little Rock',
State: 'Arkansas',
Email: 'victorn@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'victorn_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(213) 555-9278',
Birth_Date: '1986-07-23',
Hire_Date: '2012-07-23',
ID: 15,
Head_ID: 10,
Full_Name: 'Mary Stern',
Prefix: 'Ms.',
Title: 'Shipping Assistant',
City: 'Beaver',
State: 'Utah',
Email: 'marys@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'marys_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-7857',
Birth_Date: '1982-04-08',
Hire_Date: '2012-08-12',
ID: 16,
Head_ID: 10,
Full_Name: 'Robin Cosworth',
Prefix: 'Mrs.',
Title: 'Shipping Assistant',
City: 'Los Angeles',
State: 'California',
Email: 'robinc@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'robinc_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-0942',
Birth_Date: '1981-06-12',
Hire_Date: '2012-09-01',
ID: 17,
Head_ID: 9,
Full_Name: 'Kelly Rodriguez',
Prefix: 'Ms.',
Title: 'Support Assistant',
City: 'Boise',
State: 'Idaho',
Email: 'kellyr@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'kellyr_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-9248',
Birth_Date: '1988-05-11',
Hire_Date: '2012-10-13',
ID: 18,
Head_ID: 9,
Full_Name: 'James Anderson',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Support Assistant',
City: 'Atlanta',
State: 'Georgia',
Email: 'jamesa@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'jamesa_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(323) 555-4702',
Birth_Date: '1987-01-29',
Hire_Date: '2012-10-18',
ID: 19,
Head_ID: 9,
Full_Name: 'Antony Remmen',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Support Assistant',
City: 'Boise',
State: 'Idaho',
Email: 'anthonyr@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'anthonyr_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(310) 555-6625',
Birth_Date: '1986-02-19',
Hire_Date: '2013-01-19',
ID: 20,
Head_ID: 8,
Full_Name: 'Olivia Peyton',
Prefix: 'Mrs.',
Title: 'Sales Assistant',
City: 'Atlanta',
State: 'Georgia',
Email: 'oliviap@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'oliviap_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(310) 555-2728',
Birth_Date: '1981-06-03',
Hire_Date: '2012-05-14',
ID: 21,
Head_ID: 6,
Full_Name: 'Taylor Riley',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Network Admin',
City: 'San Jose',
State: 'California',
Email: 'taylorr@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'taylorr_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(310) 555-7276',
Birth_Date: '1982-08-14',
Hire_Date: '2012-04-14',
ID: 22,
Head_ID: 6,
Full_Name: 'Amelia Harper',
Prefix: 'Mrs.',
Title: 'Network Admin',
City: 'Los Angeles',
State: 'California',
Email: 'ameliah@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'ameliah_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(213) 555-4276',
Birth_Date: '1983-11-19',
Hire_Date: '2011-02-10',
ID: 23,
Head_ID: 6,
Full_Name: 'Wally Hobbs',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Programmer',
City: 'Chatsworth',
State: 'California',
Email: 'wallyh@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'wallyh_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-8872',
Birth_Date: '1984-12-24',
Hire_Date: '2011-02-17',
ID: 24,
Head_ID: 6,
Full_Name: 'Brad Jameson',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Programmer',
City: 'San Fernando',
State: 'California',
Email: 'bradleyj@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'bradleyj_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-4646',
Birth_Date: '1988-10-12',
Hire_Date: '2011-03-02',
ID: 25,
Head_ID: 6,
Full_Name: 'Karen Goodson',
Prefix: 'Miss',
Title: 'Programmer',
City: 'South Pasadena',
State: 'California',
Email: 'kareng@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'kareng_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(626) 555-0908',
Birth_Date: '1987-04-26',
Hire_Date: '2011-03-14',
ID: 26,
Head_ID: 5,
Full_Name: 'Marcus Orbison',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Title: 'Travel Coordinator',
City: 'Los Angeles',
State: 'California',
Email: 'marcuso@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'marcuso_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(213) 555-7098',
Birth_Date: '1982-03-02',
Hire_Date: '2005-05-19',
ID: 27,
Head_ID: 5,
Full_Name: 'Sandy Bright',
Prefix: 'Ms.',
Title: 'Benefits Coordinator',
City: 'Denver',
State: 'Colorado',
Email: 'sandrab@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'sandrab_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-0524',
Birth_Date: '1983-09-11',
Hire_Date: '2005-06-04',
ID: 28,
Head_ID: 6,
Full_Name: 'Morgan Kennedy',
Prefix: 'Mrs.',
Title: 'Graphic Designer',
City: 'San Fernando Valley',
State: 'California',
Email: 'morgank@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'morgank_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-8238',
Birth_Date: '1984-07-17',
Hire_Date: '2012-01-11',
ID: 29,
Head_ID: 28,
Full_Name: 'Violet Bailey',
Prefix: 'Ms.',
Title: 'Jr Graphic Designer',
City: 'La Canada',
State: 'California',
Email: 'violetb@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'violetb_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-2478',
Birth_Date: '1985-06-10',
Hire_Date: '2012-01-19',
ID: 30,
Head_ID: 5,
Full_Name: 'Ken Samuelson',
Prefix: 'Dr.',
Title: 'Ombudsman',
City: 'St. Louis',
State: 'Missouri',
Email: 'kents@dx-email.com',
Skype: 'kents_DX_skype',
Mobile_Phone: '(562) 555-9282',
Birth_Date: '1972-09-11',
Hire_Date: '2009-04-22',
<html lang="en">
<body class="dx-viewport">
<div class="demo-container">
<div id="app"></div>
#tree-list-demo {
min-height: 700px;
#employees {
max-height: 640px;
A column's default editor is defined automatically based on this column's dataType. To customize this editor or replace it with another editor, use the column's formItem object. For information on settings that you can define in the formItem object, refer to the SimpleItem help topic.
You can also set up the edit Form from scratch. The component's configuration section lists available settings. Specify these settings in the editing.form object. Refer to this object's description for information about form edit mode limitations.
This demo also illustrates the following event handlers:
Populates form editors of a new row with default values. In this demo, onInitNewRow sets "John Heart" as the initialHead
for new rows. -
Customizes form editors. In this demo, this handler forbids users to edit theHead
value of John Heart.
Refer to the following help topic to see the full list of the events that edit operations raise: Editing Events.