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Vue Data Grid - Appearance

This example demonstrates the following properties:

  • showBorders
    Specifies whether the outer borders of the DataGrid are visible.

  • showColumnLines
    Specifies whether vertical lines that separate columns are visible.

  • showRowLines
    Specifies whether horizontal lines that separate rows are visible.

  • rowAlternationEnabled
    Specifies whether rows should be in alternate colors.

To toggle these properties, select the corresponding checkbox under the DataGrid.

Backend API
<template> <div> <DxDataGrid :data-source="employees" key-expr="ID" :show-column-lines="showColumnLines" :show-row-lines="showRowLines" :show-borders="showBorders" :row-alternation-enabled="rowAlternationEnabled" > <DxColumn :width="80" data-field="Prefix" caption="Title" /> <DxColumn data-field="FirstName"/> <DxColumn data-field="LastName"/> <DxColumn data-field="City"/> <DxColumn data-field="State"/> <DxColumn :width="130" data-field="Position" /> <DxColumn :width="100" data-field="BirthDate" data-type="date" /> <DxColumn :width="100" data-field="HireDate" data-type="date" /> </DxDataGrid> <div class="options"> <div class="caption">Options</div> <div class="options-container"> <div class="option"> <DxCheckBox v-model:value="showColumnLines" text="Show Column Lines" /> </div> &nbsp; <div class="option"> <DxCheckBox v-model:value="showRowLines" text="Show Row Lines" /> </div> &nbsp; <div class="option"> <DxCheckBox v-model:value="showBorders" text="Show Borders" /> </div> &nbsp; <div class="option"> <DxCheckBox v-model:value="rowAlternationEnabled" text="Alternating Row Color" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> import { ref } from 'vue'; import { DxDataGrid, DxColumn } from 'devextreme-vue/data-grid'; import { DxCheckBox } from 'devextreme-vue/check-box'; import { employees } from './data.ts'; const showColumnLines = ref(false); const showRowLines = ref(true); const showBorders = ref(true); const rowAlternationEnabled = ref(true); </script> <style scoped> .options { padding: 20px; background-color: rgba(191, 191, 191, 0.15); margin-top: 20px; } .caption { font-size: 18px; font-weight: 500; } .option { width: 24%; display: inline-block; margin-top: 10px; } .options-container { display: flex; align-items: center; } </style>
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export type Employee = { ID: number; FirstName: string; LastName: string; Prefix: string; Position: string; Picture: string; BirthDate: string; HireDate: string; Notes: string; Address: string; State: string; City: string; }; export const employees: Employee[] = [{ ID: 1, FirstName: 'John', LastName: 'Heart', Prefix: 'Mr.', Position: 'CEO', Picture: '../../../../images/employees/01.png', BirthDate: '1964/03/16', HireDate: '1995/01/15', Notes: 'John has been in the Audio/Video industry since 1990. He has led DevAv as its CEO since 2003.\r\n\r\nWhen not working hard as the CEO, John loves to golf and bowl. He once bowled a perfect game of 300.', Address: '351 S Hill St.', State: 'California', City: 'Los Angeles', }, { ID: 2, FirstName: 'Olivia', LastName: 'Peyton', Prefix: 'Mrs.', Position: 'Sales Assistant', Picture: '../../../../images/employees/09.png', BirthDate: '1981/06/03', HireDate: '2012/05/14', Notes: 'Olivia loves to sell. She has been selling DevAV products since 2012. \r\n\r\nOlivia was homecoming queen in high school. She is expecting her first child in 6 months. Good Luck Olivia.', Address: '807 W Paseo Del Mar', State: 'California', City: 'Los Angeles', }, { ID: 3, FirstName: 'Robert', LastName: 'Reagan', Prefix: 'Mr.', Position: 'CMO', Picture: '../../../../images/employees/03.png', BirthDate: '1974/09/07', HireDate: '2002/11/08', Notes: 'Robert was recently voted the CMO of the year by CMO Magazine. He is a proud member of the DevAV Management Team.\r\n\r\nRobert is a championship BBQ chef, so when you get the chance ask him for his secret recipe.', Address: '4 Westmoreland Pl.', State: 'Arkansas', City: 'Bentonville', }, { ID: 4, FirstName: 'Greta', LastName: 'Sims', Prefix: 'Ms.', Position: 'HR Manager', Picture: '../../../../images/employees/04.png', BirthDate: '1977/11/22', HireDate: '1998/04/23', Notes: "Greta has been DevAV's HR Manager since 2003. She joined DevAV from Sonee Corp.\r\n\r\nGreta is currently training for the NYC marathon. Her best marathon time is 4 hours. Go Greta.", Address: '1700 S Grandview Dr.', State: 'Georgia', City: 'Atlanta', }, { ID: 5, FirstName: 'Brett', LastName: 'Wade', Prefix: 'Mr.', Position: 'IT Manager', Picture: '../../../../images/employees/05.png', BirthDate: '1968/12/01', HireDate: '2009/03/06', Notes: 'Brett came to DevAv from Microsoft and has led our IT department since 2012.\r\n\r\nWhen he is not working hard for DevAV, he coaches Little League (he was a high school pitcher).', Address: '1120 Old Mill Rd.', State: 'Idaho', City: 'Boise', }, { ID: 6, FirstName: 'Sandra', LastName: 'Johnson', Prefix: 'Mrs.', Position: 'Controller', Picture: '../../../../images/employees/06.png', BirthDate: '1974/11/15', HireDate: '2005/05/11', Notes: "Sandra is a CPA and has been our controller since 2008. She loves to interact with staff so if you've not met her, be certain to say hi.\r\n\r\nSandra has 2 daughters both of whom are accomplished gymnasts.", Address: '4600 N Virginia Rd.', State: 'Utah', City: 'Beaver', }, { ID: 7, FirstName: 'Kevin', LastName: 'Carter', Prefix: 'Mr.', Position: 'Shipping Manager', Picture: '../../../../images/employees/07.png', BirthDate: '1978/01/09', HireDate: '2009/08/11', Notes: 'Kevin is our hard-working shipping manager and has been helping that department work like clockwork for 18 months.\r\n\r\nWhen not in the office, he is usually on the basketball court playing pick-up games.', Address: '424 N Main St.', State: 'California', City: 'San Diego', }, { ID: 8, FirstName: 'Cynthia', LastName: 'Stanwick', Prefix: 'Ms.', Position: 'HR Assistant', Picture: '../../../../images/employees/08.png', BirthDate: '1985/06/05', HireDate: '2008/03/24', Notes: 'Cindy joined us in 2008 and has been in the HR department for 2 years. \r\n\r\nShe was recently awarded employee of the month. Way to go Cindy!', Address: '2211 Bonita Dr.', State: 'Arkansas', City: 'Little Rock', }, { ID: 9, FirstName: 'Kent', LastName: 'Samuelson', Prefix: 'Dr.', Position: 'Ombudsman', Picture: '../../../../images/employees/02.png', BirthDate: '1972/09/11', HireDate: '2009/04/22', Notes: 'As our ombudsman, Kent is on the front-lines solving customer problems and helping our partners address issues out in the field. He is a classically trained musician and is a member of the Chamber Orchestra.', Address: '12100 Mora Dr', State: 'Missouri', City: 'St. Louis', }, { ID: 10, FirstName: 'Taylor', LastName: 'Riley', Prefix: 'Mr.', Position: 'Network Admin', Picture: '', BirthDate: '1982/08/14', HireDate: '2012/04/14', Notes: "If you are like the rest of us at DevAV, then you've probably reached out for help from Taylor. He does a great job as a member of our IT department.", Address: '7776 Torreyson Dr', State: 'California', City: 'San Jose', }];
import { createApp } from 'vue'; import App from './App.vue'; createApp(App).mount('#app');
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