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JavaScript/jQuery Charts - Error Bars

If your data contains an error or measurement uncertainty, you can indicate a confidential interval on the Chart using error bars. To configure them, use the fields of the series’ valueErrorBar object. In this example, error bars indicate a range of average temperatures (on the upper pane) and humidity (on the lower pane) for a specific month.
Backend API
$(() => { $('#chart').dxChart({ dataSource, commonSeriesSettings: { argumentField: 'month', }, panes: [{ name: 'top', }, { name: 'bottom', }], defaultPane: 'bottom', series: [{ pane: 'top', valueField: 'avgT', name: 'Average Temperature, °C', valueErrorBar: { lowValueField: 'avgLowT', highValueField: 'avgHighT', lineWidth: 1, opacity: 0.8, }, }, { pane: 'bottom', valueField: 'avgH', type: 'bar', name: 'Average Humidity, %', valueErrorBar: { type: 'fixed', value: 3, lineWidth: 1, }, }], argumentAxis: { label: { displayMode: 'stagger', }, }, export: { enabled: true, }, valueAxis: [{ pane: 'top', grid: { visible: true, }, title: { text: 'Temperature, °C', }, }, { tickInterval: 50, pane: 'bottom', grid: { visible: true, }, title: { text: 'Humidity, %', }, }], tooltip: { enabled: true, customizeTooltip(arg) { return { text: `${arg.seriesName}: ${arg.value} ( range: ${arg.lowErrorValue} - ${arg.highErrorValue})`, }; }, }, legend: { verticalAlignment: 'bottom', horizontalAlignment: 'center', }, title: { text: 'Weather in Los Angeles, California', }, }); });
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#chart { height: 440px; }
const dataSource = [{ month: 'January', avgT: 14.1, avgLowT: 9.1, avgHighT: 19.1, avgH: 70, }, { month: 'February', avgT: 14.7, avgLowT: 9.8, avgHighT: 19.6, avgH: 74, }, { month: 'March', avgT: 15.6, avgLowT: 10.6, avgHighT: 20.4, avgH: 79, }, { month: 'April', avgT: 16.8, avgLowT: 11.9, avgHighT: 21.7, avgH: 80, }, { month: 'May', avgT: 18.2, avgLowT: 13.6, avgHighT: 22.7, avgH: 83, }, { month: 'June', avgT: 20.2, avgLowT: 15.4, avgHighT: 25, avgH: 85, }, { month: 'July', avgT: 22.6, avgLowT: 17.3, avgHighT: 27.9, avgH: 86, }, { month: 'August', avgT: 23, avgLowT: 17.7, avgHighT: 28.4, avgH: 86, }, { month: 'September', avgT: 22.3, avgLowT: 17, avgHighT: 27.7, avgH: 83, }, { month: 'October', avgT: 20.1, avgLowT: 14.8, avgHighT: 25.3, avgH: 79, }, { month: 'November', avgT: 17.2, avgLowT: 11.8, avgHighT: 22.7, avgH: 72, }, { month: 'December', avgT: 14.6, avgLowT: 9.5, avgHighT: 19.7, avgH: 68, }];