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JavaScript/jQuery Data Grid - Export Multiple Grids

The exportDataGrid() method allows users to export multiple grids to one Excel document. Grids are exported consequently in a chain of Promises.

In this demo, this functionality is used to export two DataGrids into separate worksheets in the same workbook. Starting position of each exported grid is set using the topLeftCell property.

Use the customizeCell method to customize the exported worksheets.

Backend API
$(() => { const priceCaption = 'Price'; const ratingCaption = 'Rating'; $('#tabPanel').dxTabPanel({ dataSource: [{ title: priceCaption, template() { return $("<div id='priceDataGrid'>").dxDataGrid({ width: '100%', columns: [ { dataField: 'Product_ID', caption: 'ID', width: 50 }, { dataField: 'Product_Name', caption: 'Name' }, { dataField: 'Product_Sale_Price', caption: 'Sale Price', dataType: 'number', format: 'currency', }, { dataField: 'Product_Retail_Price', caption: 'Retail Price', dataType: 'number', format: 'currency', }, ], showBorders: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, dataSource: { store: { type: 'odata', version: 2, url: '', key: 'Product_ID', }, select: ['Product_ID', 'Product_Name', 'Product_Sale_Price', 'Product_Retail_Price'], filter: ['Product_ID', '<', 10], }, }); }, }, { title: ratingCaption, template() { return $("<div id='ratingDataGrid'>").dxDataGrid({ width: '100%', columns: [ { dataField: 'Product_ID', caption: 'ID', width: 50 }, { dataField: 'Product_Name', caption: 'Name' }, { dataField: 'Product_Consumer_Rating', caption: 'Rating' }, { dataField: 'Product_Category', caption: 'Category' }, ], showBorders: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, dataSource: { store: { type: 'odata', version: 2, url: '', key: 'Product_ID', }, select: ['Product_ID', 'Product_Name', 'Product_Consumer_Rating', 'Product_Category'], filter: ['Product_ID', '<', 10], }, }); }, }], itemTitleTemplate(itemData, itemIndex, itemElement) { itemElement.append(`<span class='dx-tab-text'>${itemData.title}</span>`); }, deferRendering: false, }); $('#exportButton').dxButton({ text: 'Export multiple grids', icon: 'xlsxfile', onClick() { const dataGrid1 = $('#priceDataGrid').dxDataGrid('instance'); const dataGrid2 = $('#ratingDataGrid').dxDataGrid('instance'); const workbook = new ExcelJS.Workbook(); const priceSheet = workbook.addWorksheet(priceCaption); const ratingSheet = workbook.addWorksheet(ratingCaption); priceSheet.getRow(2).getCell(2).value = 'Price'; priceSheet.getRow(2).getCell(2).font = { bold: true, size: 16, underline: 'double' }; ratingSheet.getRow(2).getCell(2).value = 'Rating'; ratingSheet.getRow(2).getCell(2).font = { bold: true, size: 16, underline: 'double' }; function setAlternatingRowsBackground(gridCell, excelCell) { if (gridCell.rowType === 'header' || gridCell.rowType === 'data') { if (excelCell.fullAddress.row % 2 === 0) { excelCell.fill = { type: 'pattern', pattern: 'solid', fgColor: { argb: 'D3D3D3' }, bgColor: { argb: 'D3D3D3' }, }; } } } DevExpress.excelExporter.exportDataGrid({ worksheet: priceSheet, component: dataGrid1, topLeftCell: { row: 4, column: 2 }, customizeCell(options) { setAlternatingRowsBackground(options.gridCell, options.excelCell); }, }).then(() => DevExpress.excelExporter.exportDataGrid({ worksheet: ratingSheet, component: dataGrid2, topLeftCell: { row: 4, column: 2 }, customizeCell(options) { setAlternatingRowsBackground(options.gridCell, options.excelCell); }, })).then(() => { workbook.xlsx.writeBuffer().then((buffer) => { saveAs(new Blob([buffer], { type: 'application/octet-stream' }), 'MultipleGrids.xlsx'); }); }); }, }); });
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#priceDataGrid, #ratingDataGrid { padding: 10px; } #exportContainer { text-align: right; } #tabPanel { padding-top: 10px; }