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JavaScript/jQuery Range Selector - Logarithmic Scale

In this demo, a logarithmic axis is used to select a range within a set of rapidly-growing values.

Backend API
$(() => { const dataSource = []; const max = 100; for (let i = 0; i < max; i += 1) { dataSource.push({ arg: 10 ** i * 0.1, val: Math.log(i + 1) / Math.log(0.5) + (Math.random() - 0.5) * (100 / (i + 1)) + 10, }); } $('#zoomed-chart').dxChart({ dataSource, resizePanesOnZoom: true, argumentAxis: { valueMarginsEnabled: false, type: 'logarithmic', label: { format: 'exponential' }, grid: { visible: true, }, minorGrid: { visible: true, }, minorTickCount: 10, }, legend: { visible: false, }, series: {}, }); $('#range-selector').dxRangeSelector({ dataSource, chart: { series: {}, }, scale: { type: 'logarithmic', label: { format: 'exponential' }, minRange: 1, minorTickCount: 10, }, sliderMarker: { format: 'exponential', }, behavior: { valueChangeMode: 'onHandleMove', snapToTicks: false, }, onValueChanged(e) { const zoomedChart = $('#zoomed-chart').dxChart('instance'); zoomedChart.getArgumentAxis().visualRange(e.value); }, }); });
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#zoomed-chart { height: 335px; margin: 0 0 15px; } #range-selector { height: 120px; }