<div class="options">
<div class="caption">Options</div>
<div class="option">
<span>Column resizing mode: </span>
:input-attr="{ 'aria-label': 'Column Resizing Mode' }"
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue';
import {
} from 'devextreme-vue/data-grid';
import DxSelectBox from 'devextreme-vue/select-box';
import { orders } from './data.ts';
const columns = ['CompanyName', 'City', 'State', 'Phone', 'Fax'];
const resizingModes = ['nextColumn', 'widget'];
const currentMode = ref('nextColumn');
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#orders {
max-height: 310px;
.options {
padding: 20px;
margin-top: 20px;
background-color: rgba(191, 191, 191, 0.15);
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font-weight: 500;
font-size: 18px;
.option {
margin-top: 10px;
.option > span {
position: relative;
top: 2px;
margin-right: 10px;
.option > .dx-widget {
display: inline-block;
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export type Customer = {
ID: number;
CompanyName: string;
Address: string;
City: string;
State: string;
Zipcode: number;
Phone: string;
Fax: string;
export const orders: Customer[] = [{
ID: 1,
CompanyName: 'Super Mart of the West',
Address: '702 SW 8th Street',
City: 'Bentonville',
State: 'Arkansas',
Zipcode: 72716,
Phone: '(800) 555-2797',
Fax: '(800) 555-2171',
}, {
ID: 2,
CompanyName: 'Electronics Depot',
Address: '2455 Paces Ferry Road NW',
City: 'Atlanta',
State: 'Georgia',
Zipcode: 30339,
Phone: '(800) 595-3232',
Fax: '(800) 595-3231',
}, {
ID: 3,
CompanyName: 'K&S Music',
Address: '1000 Nicllet Mall',
City: 'Minneapolis',
State: 'Minnesota',
Zipcode: 55403,
Phone: '(612) 304-6073',
Fax: '(612) 304-6074',
}, {
ID: 4,
CompanyName: "Tom's Club",
Address: '999 Lake Drive',
City: 'Issaquah',
State: 'Washington',
Zipcode: 98027,
Phone: '(800) 955-2292',
Fax: '(800) 955-2293',
}, {
ID: 5,
CompanyName: 'E-Mart',
Address: '3333 Beverly Rd',
City: 'Hoffman Estates',
State: 'Illinois',
Zipcode: 60179,
Phone: '(847) 286-2500',
Fax: '(847) 286-2501',
}, {
ID: 6,
CompanyName: 'Walters',
Address: '200 Wilmot Rd',
City: 'Deerfield',
State: 'Illinois',
Zipcode: 60015,
Phone: '(847) 940-2500',
Fax: '(847) 940-2501',
}, {
ID: 7,
CompanyName: 'StereoShack',
Address: '400 Commerce S',
City: 'Fort Worth',
State: 'Texas',
Zipcode: 76102,
Phone: '(817) 820-0741',
Fax: '(817) 820-0742',
}, {
ID: 8,
CompanyName: 'Circuit Town',
Address: '2200 Kensington Court',
City: 'Oak Brook',
State: 'Illinois',
Zipcode: 60523,
Phone: '(800) 955-2929',
Fax: '(800) 955-9392',
}, {
ID: 9,
CompanyName: 'Premier Buy',
Address: '7601 Penn Avenue South',
City: 'Richfield',
State: 'Minnesota',
Zipcode: 55423,
Phone: '(612) 291-1000',
Fax: '(612) 291-2001',
}, {
ID: 10,
CompanyName: 'ElectrixMax',
Address: '263 Shuman Blvd',
City: 'Naperville',
State: 'Illinois',
Zipcode: 60563,
Phone: '(630) 438-7800',
Fax: '(630) 438-7801',
}, {
ID: 11,
CompanyName: 'Video Emporium',
Address: '1201 Elm Street',
City: 'Dallas',
State: 'Texas',
Zipcode: 75270,
Phone: '(214) 854-3000',
Fax: '(214) 854-3001',
}, {
ID: 12,
CompanyName: 'Screen Shop',
Address: '1000 Lowes Blvd',
City: 'Mooresville',
State: 'North Carolina',
Zipcode: 28117,
Phone: '(800) 445-6937',
Fax: '(800) 445-6938',
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
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