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JavaScript/jQuery Diagram - Templates with Editing

In this demo, the customShapeTemplate property defines a common shape template and adds the Edit and Delete links to a shape. These links allow users to modify and remove employee data from the data source. The JavaScript Diagram component reloads modified diagram data whenever the data source changes.

The onRequestLayoutUpdate function specifies whether the component must reapply its auto layout once the diagram is reloaded.

Backend API
$(function () { let generatedID = 100; const store = new{ key: 'ID', data: employees, onInserting(values) { values.ID = values.ID || (generatedID += 1); values.Full_Name = values.Full_Name || "Employee's Name"; values.Title = values.Title || "Employee's Title"; }, }); $('#diagram').dxDiagram({ customShapes: [{ type: 'employee', category: 'employee', baseType: 'rectangle', title: 'New Employee', defaultWidth: 1.5, defaultHeight: 1, toolboxWidthToHeightRatio: 2, minWidth: 1.5, minHeight: 1, maxWidth: 3, maxHeight: 2, allowEditText: false, }], customShapeTemplate(item, $container) { const employee = item.dataItem; const svgNS = ''; const $content = $(document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'svg')).addClass('template'); $(document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'text')) .addClass('template-name') .attr({ x: '50%', y: '20%' }) .text(employee ? employee.Full_Name : "Employee's Name") .appendTo($content); $(document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'text')) .addClass('template-title') .attr({ x: '50%', y: '45%' }) .text(employee ? employee.Title : "Employee's Title") .appendTo($content); $(document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'text')) .addClass('template-button') .attr({ id: 'employee-edit', x: '40%', y: '85%' }) .text('Edit') .click(() => { editEmployee(employee); }) .appendTo($content); $(document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'text')) .addClass('template-button') .attr({ id: 'employee-delete', x: '62%', y: '85%' }) .text('Delete') .click(() => { deleteEmployee(employee); }) .appendTo($content); $container.append($content); }, customShapeToolboxTemplate(item, $container) { const $content = $("<svg class='template'>" + "<text x='50%' y='40%'>New</text>" + "<text x='50%' y='70%'>Employee</text>" + '</svg >'); $container.append($content); }, nodes: { dataSource: store, keyExpr: 'ID', typeExpr() { return 'employee'; }, parentKeyExpr: 'Head_ID', customDataExpr(obj, value) { if (value === undefined) { return { Full_Name: obj.Full_Name, Prefix: obj.Prefix, Title: obj.Title, City: obj.City, State: obj.State, Email: obj.Email, Skype: obj.Skype, Mobile_Phone: obj.Mobile_Phone, }; } obj.Full_Name = value.Full_Name; obj.Prefix = value.Prefix; obj.Title = value.Title; obj.City = value.City; obj.State = value.State; obj.Email = value.Email; obj.Skype = value.Skype; obj.Mobile_Phone = value.Mobile_Phone; return null; }, autoLayout: { type: 'tree', }, }, onRequestLayoutUpdate(e) { for (let i = 0; i < e.changes.length; i += 1) { if (e.changes[i].type === 'remove') { e.allowed = true; } else if (e.changes[i].data.Head_ID !== undefined && e.changes[i].data.Head_ID !== null) { e.allowed = true; } } }, contextToolbox: { shapeIconsPerRow: 1, width: 100, }, toolbox: { shapeIconsPerRow: 1, showSearch: false, groups: [ { category: 'employee', title: 'Employee', expanded: true }, ], }, propertiesPanel: { tabs: [ { groups: [{ title: 'Page Properties', commands: ['pageSize', 'pageOrientation', 'pageColor'] }], }, ], }, }).dxDiagram('instance'); const popupContentTemplate = function ($container) { const $editorsContainer = $('<div class="dx-fieldset" />').appendTo($container); const $nameField = $('<div class="dx-field"><div class="dx-field-label">Name</div><div class="dx-field-value" data-field="Full_Name" /></div>'); $nameField.find('.dx-field-value').append('<div />').dxTextBox(); const $titleField = $('<div class="dx-field"><div class="dx-field-label">Title</div><div class="dx-field-value" data-field="Title" /></div>'); $titleField.find('.dx-field-value').append('<div /').dxTextBox(); const $cityField = $('<div class="dx-field"><div class="dx-field-label">City</div><div class="dx-field-value" data-field="City" /></div>'); $cityField.find('.dx-field-value').append('<div /').dxTextBox(); const $stateField = $('<div class="dx-field"><div class="dx-field-label">State</div><div class="dx-field-value" data-field="State" /></div>'); $stateField.find('.dx-field-value').append('<div /').dxTextBox(); const $emailField = $('<div class="dx-field"><div class="dx-field-label">Email</div><div class="dx-field-value" data-field="Email" /></div>'); $emailField.find('.dx-field-value').append('<div /').dxTextBox(); const $skypeField = $('<div class="dx-field"><div class="dx-field-label">Skype</div><div class="dx-field-value" data-field="Skype" /></div>'); $skypeField.find('.dx-field-value').append('<div /').dxTextBox(); const $phoneField = $('<div class="dx-field"><div class="dx-field-label">Phone</div><div class="dx-field-value" data-field="Mobile_Phone" /></div>'); $phoneField.find('.dx-field-value').append('<div /').dxTextBox(); $editorsContainer.append( $nameField, $titleField, $cityField, $stateField, $emailField, $skypeField, $phoneField, ); const $buttonsContainer = $('<div class="dx-fieldset buttons" />').appendTo($container); $buttonsContainer.append( $('<button />').dxButton({ text: 'Update', type: 'default', onClick: updateEmployee, }), $('<button />').dxButton({ text: 'Cancel', onClick: cancelEditEmployee, }), ); }; const popup = $('#popup').dxPopup({ width: 400, height: 480, showTitle: true, title: 'Edit Employee', visible: false, dragEnabled: false, contentTemplate: popupContentTemplate.bind(this), }).dxPopup('instance'); let currentEmployee = {}; const editEmployee = function (employee) { currentEmployee = { ...employee };; popup.content().find('.dx-field-value').each(function () { const field = $(this).attr('data-field'); const edit = $(this).dxTextBox('instance'); edit.option({ value: currentEmployee[field], onValueChanged(e) { handleChange(field, e.value); }, }); }); }; const deleteEmployee = function (employee) { store.push([{ type: 'remove', key: employee.ID }]); }; const updateEmployee = function () { store.push([{ type: 'update', key: currentEmployee.ID, data: { Full_Name: currentEmployee.Full_Name, Title: currentEmployee.Title, City: currentEmployee.City, State: currentEmployee.State, Email: currentEmployee.Email, Skype: currentEmployee.Skype, Mobile_Phone: currentEmployee.Mobile_Phone, }, }]); popup.hide(); }; const cancelEditEmployee = function () { currentEmployee = {}; popup.hide(); }; const handleChange = function (field, value) { currentEmployee[field] = value; }; });
<!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="" lang="en"> <head> <title>DevExtreme Demo</title> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=5.0" /> <script src=""></script> <script>window.jQuery || document.write(decodeURIComponent('%3Cscript src="js/jquery.min.js"%3E%3C/script%3E'))</script> <script src=""></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> <script src="js/dx.all.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css" /> <script src="data.js"></script> <script src="index.js"></script> </head> <body class="dx-viewport"> <div class="demo-container"> <div id="diagram"> </div> <div id="popup"> </div> </div> </body> </html>
#diagram { height: 725px; } #diagram .template .template-name { font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; } #diagram .template .template-title { font-style: italic; } #diagram .template .template-button { cursor: pointer; font-size: 8pt; fill: navy; } #diagram .template .template-button:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .dx-popup-content { padding: 0; } .dx-popup-content .dx-fieldset.buttons { display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; } .dx-popup-content .dx-fieldset.buttons > * { margin-left: 8px; }
const employees = [{ ID: 1, Head_ID: 0, Full_Name: 'John Heart', Prefix: 'Mr.', Title: 'CEO', City: 'Los Angeles', State: 'California', Email: '', Skype: 'jheart_DX_skype', Mobile_Phone: '(213) 555-9392', Birth_Date: '1964-03-16', Hire_Date: '1995-01-15', }, { ID: 2, Head_ID: 1, Full_Name: 'Samantha Bright', Prefix: 'Dr.', Title: 'COO', City: 'Los Angeles', State: 'California', Email: '', Skype: 'samanthab_DX_skype', Mobile_Phone: '(213) 555-2858', Birth_Date: '1966-05-02', Hire_Date: '2004-05-24', }, { ID: 3, Head_ID: 1, Full_Name: 'Arthur Miller', Prefix: 'Mr.', Title: 'CTO', City: 'Denver', State: 'Colorado', Email: '', Skype: 'arthurm_DX_skype', Mobile_Phone: '(310) 555-8583', Birth_Date: '1972-07-11', Hire_Date: '2007-12-18', }, { ID: 4, Head_ID: 1, Full_Name: 'Robert Reagan', Prefix: 'Mr.', Title: 'CMO', City: 'Bentonville', State: 'Arkansas', Email: '', Skype: 'robertr_DX_skype', Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-2387', Birth_Date: '1974-09-07', Hire_Date: '2002-11-08', }, { ID: 5, Head_ID: 1, Full_Name: 'Greta Sims', Prefix: 'Ms.', Title: 'HR Manager', City: 'Atlanta', State: 'Georgia', Email: '', Skype: 'gretas_DX_skype', Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-6546', Birth_Date: '1977-11-22', Hire_Date: '1998-04-23', }, { ID: 6, Head_ID: 3, Full_Name: 'Brett Wade', Prefix: 'Mr.', Title: 'IT Manager', City: 'Reno', State: 'Nevada', Email: '', Skype: 'brettw_DX_skype', Mobile_Phone: '(626) 555-0358', Birth_Date: '1968-12-01', Hire_Date: '2009-03-06', }, { ID: 7, Head_ID: 5, Full_Name: 'Sandra Johnson', Prefix: 'Mrs.', Title: 'Controller', City: 'Beaver', State: 'Utah', Email: '', Skype: 'sandraj_DX_skype', Mobile_Phone: '(562) 555-2082', Birth_Date: '1974-11-15', Hire_Date: '2005-05-11', }, { ID: 8, Head_ID: 4, Full_Name: 'Ed Holmes', Prefix: 'Dr.', Title: 'Sales Manager', City: 'Malibu', State: 'California', Email: '', Skype: 'edwardh_DX_skype', Mobile_Phone: '(310) 555-1288', Birth_Date: '1973-07-14', Hire_Date: '2005-06-19', }, { ID: 9, Head_ID: 3, Full_Name: 'Barb Banks', Prefix: 'Mrs.', Title: 'Support Manager', City: 'Phoenix', State: 'Arizona', Email: '', Skype: 'barbarab_DX_skype', Mobile_Phone: '(310) 555-3355', Birth_Date: '1979-04-14', Hire_Date: '2002-08-07', }, { ID: 10, Head_ID: 2, Full_Name: 'Kevin Carter', Prefix: 'Mr.', Title: 'Shipping Manager', City: 'San Diego', State: 'California', Email: '', Skype: 'kevinc_DX_skype', Mobile_Phone: '(213) 555-2840', Birth_Date: '1978-01-09', Hire_Date: '2009-08-11', }, { ID: 11, Head_ID: 5, Full_Name: 'Cindy Stanwick', Prefix: 'Ms.', Title: 'HR Assistant', City: 'Little Rock', State: 'Arkansas', Email: '', Skype: 'cindys_DX_skype', Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-6655', Birth_Date: '1985-06-05', Hire_Date: '2008-03-24', }, { ID: 12, Head_ID: 8, Full_Name: 'Sammy Hill', Prefix: 'Mr.', Title: 'Sales Assistant', City: 'Pasadena', State: 'California', Email: '', Skype: 'sammyh_DX_skype', Mobile_Phone: '(626) 555-7292', Birth_Date: '1984-02-17', Hire_Date: '2012-02-01', }, { ID: 13, Head_ID: 10, Full_Name: 'Davey Jones', Prefix: 'Mr.', Title: 'Shipping Assistant', City: 'Pasadena', State: 'California', Email: '', Skype: 'davidj_DX_skype', Mobile_Phone: '(626) 555-0281', Birth_Date: '1983-03-06', Hire_Date: '2011-04-24', }, { ID: 14, Head_ID: 10, Full_Name: 'Victor Norris', Prefix: 'Mr.', Title: 'Shipping Assistant', City: 'Little Rock', State: 'Arkansas', Email: '', Skype: 'victorn_DX_skype', Mobile_Phone: '(213) 555-9278', Birth_Date: '1986-07-23', Hire_Date: '2012-07-23', }, { ID: 15, Head_ID: 10, Full_Name: 'Mary Stern', Prefix: 'Ms.', Title: 'Shipping Assistant', City: 'Beaver', State: 'Utah', Email: '', Skype: 'marys_DX_skype', Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-7857', Birth_Date: '1982-04-08', Hire_Date: '2012-08-12', }, { ID: 16, Head_ID: 10, Full_Name: 'Robin Cosworth', Prefix: 'Mrs.', Title: 'Shipping Assistant', City: 'Los Angeles', State: 'California', Email: '', Skype: 'robinc_DX_skype', Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-0942', Birth_Date: '1981-06-12', Hire_Date: '2012-09-01', }, { ID: 17, Head_ID: 9, Full_Name: 'Kelly Rodriguez', Prefix: 'Ms.', Title: 'Support Assistant', City: 'Boise', State: 'Idaho', Email: '', Skype: 'kellyr_DX_skype', Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-9248', Birth_Date: '1988-05-11', Hire_Date: '2012-10-13', }, { ID: 18, Head_ID: 9, Full_Name: 'James Anderson', Prefix: 'Mr.', Title: 'Support Assistant', City: 'Atlanta', State: 'Georgia', Email: '', Skype: 'jamesa_DX_skype', Mobile_Phone: '(323) 555-4702', Birth_Date: '1987-01-29', Hire_Date: '2012-10-18', }, { ID: 19, Head_ID: 9, Full_Name: 'Antony Remmen', Prefix: 'Mr.', Title: 'Support Assistant', City: 'Boise', State: 'Idaho', Email: '', Skype: 'anthonyr_DX_skype', Mobile_Phone: '(310) 555-6625', Birth_Date: '1986-02-19', Hire_Date: '2013-01-19', }, { ID: 20, Head_ID: 8, Full_Name: 'Olivia Peyton', Prefix: 'Mrs.', Title: 'Sales Assistant', City: 'Atlanta', State: 'Georgia', Email: '', Skype: 'oliviap_DX_skype', Mobile_Phone: '(310) 555-2728', Birth_Date: '1981-06-03', Hire_Date: '2012-05-14', }, { ID: 21, Head_ID: 6, Full_Name: 'Taylor Riley', Prefix: 'Mr.', Title: 'Network Admin', City: 'San Jose', State: 'California', Email: '', Skype: 'taylorr_DX_skype', Mobile_Phone: '(310) 555-7276', Birth_Date: '1982-08-14', Hire_Date: '2012-04-14', }, { ID: 22, Head_ID: 6, Full_Name: 'Amelia Harper', Prefix: 'Mrs.', Title: 'Network Admin', City: 'Los Angeles', State: 'California', Email: '', Skype: 'ameliah_DX_skype', Mobile_Phone: '(213) 555-4276', Birth_Date: '1983-11-19', Hire_Date: '2011-02-10', }, { ID: 23, Head_ID: 6, Full_Name: 'Wally Hobbs', Prefix: 'Mr.', Title: 'Programmer', City: 'Chatsworth', State: 'California', Email: '', Skype: 'wallyh_DX_skype', Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-8872', Birth_Date: '1984-12-24', Hire_Date: '2011-02-17', }, { ID: 24, Head_ID: 6, Full_Name: 'Brad Jameson', Prefix: 'Mr.', Title: 'Programmer', City: 'San Fernando', State: 'California', Email: '', Skype: 'bradleyj_DX_skype', Mobile_Phone: '(818) 555-4646', Birth_Date: '1988-10-12', Hire_Date: '2011-03-02', }, { ID: 25, Head_ID: 6, Full_Name: 'Karen Goodson', Prefix: 'Miss', Title: 'Programmer', City: 'South Pasadena', State: 'California', Email: '', Skype: 'kareng_DX_skype', Mobile_Phone: '(626) 555-0908', Birth_Date: '1987-04-26', Hire_Date: '2011-03-14', }, { ID: 26, Head_ID: 5, Full_Name: 'Marcus Orbison', Prefix: 'Mr.', Title: 'Travel Coordinator', City: 'Los Angeles', State: 'California', Email: '', Skype: 'marcuso_DX_skype', Mobile_Phone: '(213) 555-7098', Birth_Date: '1982-03-02', Hire_Date: '2005-05-19', }];

The customDataExpr property links custom employee information from the data source to diagram nodes. Changes made to data are reflected in the diagram's history. Undo and redo actions (available within the control's UI) allow users to rollback/reapply changes.

The CustomShapeToolboxTemplate property specifies the template used for a shape within the toolbox.